American Chemical Society
The Department of Chemistry's faculty members, facilities and curriculum meet the criteria of the American Chemical Society. This allows the department to certify chemistry students as eligible for society membership. Certification is granted to students who have successfully completed the requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree with a major in chemistry.
The Student Affiliates Program introduces undergraduate students to the profession of chemistry, to their responsibilities as chemists, and to the benefits of professional association with the ACS. The program also introduces students to careers in chemistry-related fields and to the practical applications of chemistry.
The purposes of the ACS program are as follows:
"To stimulate the interest of students...in chemistry as a profession and to build up in their minds...during their college years a professional consciousness that will later guide them into organized activity for the advancement of chemistry as a science and a profession." [Committee on the Establishment and Administration of Chapters of Student Affiliates, September 9, 1936, I&EC, News Edition, 358 (1936)]
Affiliation is designed to encourage communication between students and the community of chemists as well as among students in Student Affiliates chapters. Although affiliation is possible on an individual basis, students in more than 840 college and universities in the United States and Puerto Rico have chartered Student Affiliates chapters. Students find the wide variety of chapter activities professionally and personally enriching. One major benefit of having a chapter on campus is the intellectual stimulation that occurs when students with similar interests participate in professional activities. Chapters also enable students to make contacts that will prove invaluable throughout their careers. Participation in chapter activities can help students develop important leadership, organization, and communication skills.
All majors are welcome to join the Oakland University ACS Student Affiliates Chapter, which was established in April 18, 1966. The chapter is a group of students who enjoy chemistry. Their goal is to pick up where the classroom leaves off. They are committed to securing the foundations of the student's interest in chemistry. In order to meet this commitment, they have set up a variety of programs to meet the needs of the chemistry student, whether academic or social.
The ACS student affiliates have a vast collection of information pertaining to undergraduate research in chemistry and related fields. In addition, the ACS student affiliates keep a library of graduate school information. If you are considering research or graduate school either here at Oakland or anywhere else, please contact us.
American Chemical Society Student Chapter
Looking for:
- Chemistry Majors
- Biochemistry Majors
- Engineering-Chemistry Majors
- Any Chemistry lovers!
- Inform students about chemistry related jobs
- Expose students to chemistry outside of the classroom
- Chemistry outreach events
- Chemistry related volunteer opportunities
Contact Information:
Find us on GrizzOrgs
Email: [email protected]
Office: 347 Hannah Hall
Department of Chemistry
146 Library Drive
Rochester, , MI 48309-4479
(location map)
(248) 370-2320
fax: 370-2321