On-Campus Employment
Looking for on-campus student employment? Check out the live feed of current job openings below and click the position titles to apply.
Conference Graduate Assistant at Oakland University
Mon, 3 Mar 2025 14:11:19 +0000
Employer: Oakland University
Expires: 03/12/2025
JOB SUMMARYThe Conference Graduate Assistant directly assists in supervising the Conference Assistant (CA) staff in University Housing, conducts training sessions for undergraduate student employees, manages summer camp/conference/intern assignment-related processes, and performs a weekly audit of keys.Candidates should note that this position has a live-on requirement, and candidates will serve on-call in a professional duty rotation. This Graduate Assistant will attend training meetings under the supervision of the Assistant Director for Assignments and Summer Conferences and the Office Manager. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS AND SKILLSCrisis response and on-call duty experienceMust be enrolled in a degree-seeking graduate program in winter 2024 and continuing graduate studies in fall 2024.A minimum 3.0 grade point average must be maintained during employment.Must not be found responsible for serious conduct violationsDue to the formal and informal demands of the position, involvement in other activities that require a sizeable time commitment (volunteer work, other employment, summer classes) is permitted only with written advance authorization from the Assistant Director for Assignments and Summer Conferences. Those required by their academic program to participate in field experience/internships, which require a significant time commitment, will need prior approval from the Assistant Director of Housing Assignments and Summer Conferences.RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIESSupervisor Component:The Conference Graduate Assistant is responsible for assisting in the onboarding of new Conference AssistantsThis includes scheduling, participating in training, and conducting staff social activities.Conference Graduate Assistant may assist with facilitating trainings with on-campus partners on an as-needed basisConference Graduate Assistant is responsible for upkeep of Conference Assistant staff schedules and maintaining Conference Assistant Discord for staff shift changes as needed Administrative Functions:Partly responsible for communicating with facilities and maintenance staff on the condition of occupied / unoccupied rooms during summer camp/conference turnover.In addition, the Conference Graduate Assistant will be expected to provide reports to undergraduate employees on occupied floors for accurate duty rounds. Responsible for coordinating key re-cores with maintenance staff and ensuring missing keys are correctly logged. Additional duties may be assigned as needed by the Assistant Director of Assignments and Summer Conferences and the Office Manager.Departmental Component:Participate in necessary training before the beginning of the employment period year and as necessary throughout the summerRequired to attend weekly staff meetings with the Conference Assistant staff, and they must schedule supervision time each week with their direct supervisor. The Conference Graduate Assistant will facilitate one-on-one meetings with the Conference Assistant staff to provide ongoing support. May be asked to assist in recruiting professional and paraprofessional staff and their selection through interviewing and evaluation.RequirementsVerbal and written contact is expected on a regular and frequent basis. Written reports may be expected concerning specific situations. Decisions involving delegated areas should be communicated to the appropriate Assistant Director and Office Manager and are often made in consultation.DOCUMENTS NEEDED TO APPLYResumeCover letterCOMPENSATIONMonthly stipend On-campus housing and summer meal plan Please note that this position does not cover tuition expenses for summer courses.CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENTAct in accordance with all University Housing staff policies as outlined in the University Housing Staff Manual Google Site.Act in accordance with all University Housing policies in the Housing Handbook.Act in accordance with the Clery Act as a mandated reporter and carry out responsibilities in reporting a crime on campus as a University Housing staff member.Must be free of student conduct sanctions and uphold the University’s Student Code of Conduct, the Housing Handbook, and all of University Housing’s staff policies at the time of application and throughout employment.Maintain a minimum of a 3.0 cumulative and semester GPA. If the staff member’s GPA falls below the requirement, that staff member may be subject to termination.Must be enrolled full-time in a degree-seeking graduate program in the winter 2024 semester and continuing graduate studies in the fall 2024 semester.Fulfill all assigned duties and responsibilities.If one or more of these conditions are violated, you will be provided a timely and orderly process for the investigation and adjudication of the alleged violations. If you are determined to be responsible for the alleged violations, you will be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in the training manual. SUPERVISION RECEIVEDThe Conference Graduate Assistant reports directly to the Assistant Director of Assignments and Summer Conferences and the Office Manager.SUPERVISION PROVIDEDThe Conference Graduate Assistant supervises the Conference Assistant undergraduate staff.
Conference Assistant at Oakland University
Mon, 3 Mar 2025 14:04:08 +0000
Employer: Oakland University
Expires: 03/15/2025
JOB SUMMARYConference Assistants (CA) are hired to assist in all facets of the Residence Halls Conference Program. Duties include administrative, clerical, and physical operations assigned in connection with the general management of the conference program. A major portion of the job is working at the service desk, assisting conference and hostel guests, mediating residential conflict, social programming, and participating in an on-call duty rotation on nights and weekends.MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS AND SKILLSMust have sophomore, junior, or senior class standing or be a graduate student at Oakland University by fall 2024Must have one semester of on-campus living experienceCurrent cumulative and semester GPA must be 2.75 or higherMust not be found responsible for serious conduct violationsRESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIESAssist in the preparation of conference housing facilities including inventorying supplies, set up at reception desks, key preparation, and decorating bulletin boards.Work at the service desk to handle all aspects of mail, including package logging and equipment checkout.Work in the Housing Office performing administrative tasks.Serve in a duty rotation including weeknights, weekends, and summer holidays.Respond to all situations involving conference guests and summer residents and notify supervisors for follow-up and emergency assistance as part of serving on duty.Complete tasks, programs, and paperwork by the assigned deadlines.Perform check-in and check-out procedures as assigned for conference guests and summer residents.DOCUMENTS NEEDED TO APPLYResumeCOMPENSATION$15/hourRoom and board for the summer I and summer II semesters (residence halls only) CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT CONDITIONSAct in accordance with all University Housing staff policies as outlined in the University Housing Staff Manual Google Site.Act in accordance with all University Housing policies in the Housing Handbook.Act in accordance with the Clery Act as a mandated reporter and carry out responsibilities in reporting a crime on campus as a University Housing staff member.Must be free of student conduct sanctions and uphold the University’s Student Code of Conduct, the Housing Handbook, and all of University Housing’s staff policies at the time of application and throughout employment.Maintain a minimum of a 2.75 cumulative and semester GPA. If the staff member’s GPA falls below the requirement, that staff member may be placed on academic notice or be subject to termination.Must be enrolled full-time at Oakland University unless otherwise approved by the supervisor. *If student employment criteria are met for the upcoming fall semester, the individual is eligible to be a student employee during the summer semester. POSITION SPECIFIC CONDITIONSMust complete Conference Assistant training.Attend weekly staff meetings.Work approximately 20 or more hours per week.Working an average of 2-4 duty nights per week The student must live in University Housing for the duration of employment.Taking classes and/or additional part-time employment, not interfering with work schedule, must be approved by the Assistant Director for Assignments and Summer Conferences. Full-time employment/internships are not allowed. Must commit to work both summer sessions with no extended vacations. If one or more of these conditions are violated, you will be provided a timely and orderly process for the investigation and adjudication of the alleged violations. If you are determined to be responsible for the alleged violations, you will be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in the training manual.SUPERVISION RECEIVEDStudents will directly report to the Office Manager and Operations Graduate Assistant for daily operations and questions. Students will indirectly report to the Assistant Director for Assignments and Summer Conferences.
Graduate Assistant Position in The Honors College at Oakland University
Sat, 1 Mar 2025 18:37:59 +0000
Employer: Oakland University - Honors College
Expires: 09/01/2025
Graduate Assistant Position in The Honors College is available beginning Fall, 2025 semester & continuing through Winter, 2026. Duties may include specific projects related to The Honors College freshmen in HC 1000 (grading) and thesis preparation in HC 3900 (assistance & grading), advising, assistance at admissions events, and other staff functions as needed. Looking for a self-starter, able to work independently, generate ideas, and maintain high level of efficiency. Great opportunity for a graduate student looking for experience in higher education and/or advising related opportunities.Qualifications:Graduate Assistants must be fully admitted and enrolled for at least 8 credits for the academic year in a graduate program. Graduate course work and/or research must contribute directly to the satisfaction of Oakland's degree requirements. Graduate assistants must have and maintain good academic standing (3.0 grade point average).Tuition:Tuition (four credits per semester or a total of 8 credits) will be compensated. Any additional credits and class fees, including books, will be the responsibility of the student. Compensation:Student will receive a stipend (via direct deposit if desired) on the last business day of each month for the duration of the assistantship.DURATIONTemporary / SeasonalJOB FUNCTIONSResearchOAKLAND UNIVERSITYOakland University is recognized as a student-centered, doctoral research institution with a global perspective. We engage more than 20,500 graduate and undergraduate students in distinctive educational experiences that connect to the unique and diverse opportunities within and beyond our region. Oakland provides a distinct educational experience with flexible class schedules and state-of-the-art facilities, student services, classroom technologies, research labs, internships and research opportunities with corporate partners. Located in the heart of Oakland County's Automation Alley, the university has forged hundreds of partnerships with hospitals, Fortune 500 companies, cities, government agencies and educational institutions.
Language Camp Assistant at Oakland University
Fri, 28 Feb 2025 17:15:30 +0000
Employer: Oakland University - Modern Language & Lit.
Expires: 06/01/2025
Job title: Language Camp AssistantThe Department of Modern Languages and Literatures is seeking student assistants for camps in French, Japanese, and Spanish.Dates and times:• French Summer CampJune 23-27, 2025 (8:00 am-12:00 pm)• Japanese Summer CampJuly 7-11, 2025 (8:00 am - 12:00 pm)• Spanish Summer CampJune 16-20, 2025 (8:00 am - 12:00 pm) andJuly 21-25, 2025 (8:00 am - 12:00 pm)The student assistant will work with the camp leader to work with campers as they practice basic conversational skills and learn about the culture through hands-on activities.Candidates for the position should have a solid background in the target language (French, Japanese, or Spanish) and should have an interest in and experience with working with youth.
Language Summer Camp Leader at Oakland University
Fri, 28 Feb 2025 16:59:50 +0000
Employer: Oakland University
Expires: 06/01/2025
Summer camp leaders for half-day Spanish language summer camps serving 4th to 8th grade students, June 16-20 and July 21-25. The camp leaders will plan curricula, provide language instruction, and lead games and cultural activities. Requirements: native or near-native Spanish proficiency and experience leading youth activities. The ideal candidate will be passionate about Spanish language and culture, have an excellent academic record, and have a record of leadership in educational activities. Approximately 25 hours on-site and 25 hours of preparation (per session).
Residence Life Association Executive Board Member 2025-2026 at Oakland University
Fri, 28 Feb 2025 16:13:09 +0000
Employer: Oakland University - University Housing
Expires: 03/28/2025
JOB SUMMARYThe Residence Life Association (RLA) is the governing body of housing at OU. RLA members advocate for important issues within University Housing. They review policies, host programs, and discuss any concerns from residential students.MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS AND SKILLSMust have sophomore, junior, or senior class standing or be a graduate student at Oakland University by fall 2025Current cumulative and semester GPA must be 2.5 or higherMust not be found responsible for serious conduct violationsMust live on-campus for the duration of the 2025-2026 academic yearRESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIESAll Executive Board Members are expected to:Address any duties deemed necessary by RLA or the Adviser(s).Act in accordance with the Mission Statement, Vision Statement, Goals, and Nondiscrimination Clause of RLA.Serve 10 hours per week conducting positional responsibilities:5 hours per week shall be dedicated to administrative tasks within the office assigned to RLA, unless otherwise allowed by the Adviser(s).5 hours per week shall be dedicated to the execution of events, participation in initiatives, conference attendance, and other RLA-sponsored activities.Be in attendance at all GLACURH and NACURH conferences during the term of office, unless otherwise allowed by the Adviser(s).Meet at least bi-weekly with the Adviser(s).Be professional and timely within all communication formats.Actively participate in a transition process at the end of the term of office in coordination with the Adviser(s).Maintain positional documents within the appropriate physical and digital formats.PRESIDENTServe as the official representative of the Residence Life Association to Affiliated Organizations, University Housing leadership, and Oakland University organizations.Chair all RLA Executive Board and General Body Meetings, and set all accompanying agendas.Handle all matters pertaining to the general welfare of RLA unless delegated to another position.Call and attend meetings with Affiliated Organizations and other individuals as deemed appropriate/necessary.Act as the Communications Coordinator, serving as the delegation chair for conferences hosted by the GLACURH and NACURH.Notify RLA of any important updates or opportunities occurring within NACURH and GLACURH.Attend and vote at GLACURH and NACURH conference boardroom meetings.Coordinate all aspects of forming and sending a delegation to conferences including recruitment, funding, spirit, and other activities.Coordinate Oakland University’s affiliation with NACURH each year with the assistance of the Advisor(s).Serves as the parliamentarian for General Body Meetings.Create new ad-hoc committees to support the Mission, Values, and Goals of RLA as deemed necessary by the Executive Board.Holds editing power to correct negligible spelling, grammatical, typographical, and formatting errors in regards to the RLA Constitution.Coordinating Officer of Logistics and Operations (COLO)Assume the responsibilities of the President in the absence of the President.Maintain the records of RLA including, but not limited to: meeting minutes, attendance reports, and initiative planning and execution materials.Be responsible for the dissemination of General Body Meeting minutes to attendees within one business day.Be responsible for the communication of absences of Voting Members to the President and designated professional staff members.Prepare budget reports (weekly, semester, monthly and/or annually) for RLA, sharing these reports at the weekly RLA Executive Board and General Body MeetingsPresent and have the semesterly RLA budget approved by the Voting Members within the first two months of each Fall and Winter semester.Work with the RLA Advisor(s) to coordinate the budget, all expenditures, and allocation of funds, including managing the Funding Requests process.Maintain an inventory of RLA supplies, materials, and equipment.Work with the other Executive Board Officers to maintain an updated shopping list for RLA initiatives.Manage the Equipment Requests process, ensuring that equipment conditions are good and that equipment is loaned to and returned by individuals within reasonable time frames.Shall be the primary executor of the RLA email account.Coordinating Officer of Belonging and Acceptance (COBA)All monthly ad-hoc programming efforts and initiatives shall be planned and executed equally between the COBA and the CORE.At least two initiatives and events each semester shall be after 7:00 PM and/or on a Saturday or Sunday.Survey resident opinions and feedback on what programming interests exist from University Housing. Provide at least one initiative per Fall and Winter semester in response to surveyed feedback.Keep an updated calendar of all initiatives led by RLA on the organizational Google calendar and office calendar.Lead, in conjunction with the CORE, scheduling and organizing of work shifts amongst Executive Board Officers.Lead programming initiatives related to the following topics including, but not limited to:African American Heritage Celebration MonthPride MonthHispanic Heritage Celebration MonthIntercultural ExplorationGender InclusivityHealth Awareness RecognitionEnd of the Year Ceremony (or equivalent)Meet one-on-one, on a weekly basis, with the CORE to discuss, plan, and execute programming initiatives.Create and disseminate marketing materials for programming initiatives throughout University Housing operated residential facilities.Co-chair the Programming Committee alongside the CORE.Coordinating Officer of Residential Engagement (CORE)All monthly ad-hoc programming efforts and initiatives shall be planned and executed equally between the CORE and the COBA.At least two initiatives and events each semester shall be after 7:00 PM and/or on a Saturday or Sunday.Survey resident opinions and feedback on what programming interests exist from University Housing. Provide at least one initiative per Fall and Winter semester in response to surveyed feedback.Keep an updated calendar of all initiatives led by RLA on the organizational Google calendar and office calendar.Lead, in conjunction with the COBA, scheduling and organizing of work shifts amongst Executive Board Officers.Lead programming initiatives related to the following topics including, but not limited to:Grizz GamesGrizzly Greet WeekHalloweekSibs DayI <3 OU (I Heart OU) WeekEnd of the Year Ceremony (or equivalent)Coordinate support from RLA to larger University Housing programming initiatives such as Midnight Block Party and Casino Night.Meet one-on-one, on a weekly basis, with the COBA to discuss, plan, and execute programming initiatives.Create and disseminate marketing materials for programming initiatives throughout University Housing operated residential facilities.Co-chair the Programming Committee alongside the COBACoordinating Officer of Sustainability Initiatives (COSI) [2 Positions]Lead programming initiatives related to sustainability, including but not limited to:Green WeekOctober Sustainability MonthMonthly initiativesOversee the creation and updating of residential community bulletin boards for sustainabilityManage and facilitate the weekly recycling relocation and pickup for each residential community, including working with Resident Assistants for clean-up and notifying Advisors and professional staff of any needs or changes.Keep an updated calendar of all initiatives led by RLA on the organizational Google calendar and office calendar.Creating a semesterly newsletter that updates the residential community regarding sustainability measures and practices.Coordinates with the COBA and CORE to ensure that RLA initiatives are aligned with sustainability goals.Work on at least one project per semester that actively implements positive change on campus and/or within University HousingOversee the maintenance of the Programming Resource Center (PRC), including working with Resident Assistants in each residential community for clean-up and notifying Advisors of any supply or material restocking needs.Meet one-on-one, on a weekly basis, with the other COSI to discuss, plan, and execute sustainability initiatives and positional responsibilities.DOCUMENTS NEEDED TO APPLYResumeCOMPENSATION AND BENEFITS$15/hour | 10 hours/weekWe know applying for a job can be intimidating. Please don't hesitate to reach out at [email protected] with any questions. We encourage everyone interested in joining us to apply.
Graduate Assistant in Office of Alumni Engagement at Oakland University
Fri, 28 Feb 2025 14:01:48 +0000
Employer: Oakland University - Alumni Relations
Expires: 03/31/2025
Job Description:Graduate Assistants (GAs) provide approximately 20 hours of service per week, over the course of a semester that are purely administrative duties. The Graduate Assistant for the Office of Alumni Engagement is an Oakland University graduate student employed in University Advancement. The GA, under the direction of the Assistant director for Alumni Engagement, is responsible for the management of various alumni and student engagement initiatives and events as referenced in the strategic plan for alumni engagement. Qualifications:Graduate Assistants must be fully admitted and enrolled for at least 8 credits for the academic year in a graduate program. Graduate course work and/or research must contribute directly to the satisfaction of Oakland's degree requirements. Graduate assistants must have and maintain good academic standing (3.0 grade point average). Major responsibilities include:Organize and manage the Leadership OU program, including recruitment and selection of student mentees, alumni mentors, and alumni speakersFacilitate greater visibility of the OU Alumni Association through strategic student programs and events such as commencement fair and admissions activitiesCoordinate and schedule alumni volunteer opportunities within the office of alumni engagement, as appropriateProvide general assistance to the Office of Alumni Engagement including on occasional nights and weekendsOther duties as assigned Qualifications:Applicants must be admitted and enrolled in an Oakland University graduate program. Preferred Experience:Student organization, student affairs, and/or alumni relations experienceStudent and/or volunteer coordination experienceMust be detail oriented and employ excellent customer service skillsExcellent presentation and/or public speaking skillsExcellent oral and written communication skills Excellent organizational skillsExcellent computer skillsAbility to work independently Expectation would include a 2-year commitment starting with Fall 2025 and ability to work during the summer beginning 05/2025. Tuition:Tuition (eight credits per semester or a total of 8 credits) will be compensated. Any additional credits and class fees, including books, will be the responsibility of the student. Compensation:Student will receive a paycheck (via direct deposit if desired) on the last business day of each month for the duration of the assistantship. Summer employment available separate from GA contract.$1,335/per month Please contact Amy Olind ([email protected]) for questions about this position. Interviews may be on-going as students apply.
Summer Clerk at Oakland University
Thu, 27 Feb 2025 14:42:56 +0000
Employer: Oakland University
Expires: 05/12/2025
OAKLAND UNIVERSITYPROJECT UPWARD BOUND502 Meadow Brook Road - Vandenberg Hall Room 120Rochester, Michigan48309-4401Phone: 248-370-3218 Fax: 248-370-3217JOB SUMMARY: SUMMER CLERK JOB TITLE: Summer Clerk DATES: Mid May – Mid AugustHOURS: Mon – Fri between 8 am & 5:00 pm POSITION(S) AVAILABLE: 1 32 - 40 hours per week PAY: $15.00 / hour REPORTS TO: Office Assistant PURPOSE: Provide front desk reception area coverage and phone answering; run errands on campus; and provide routine support for PUB’s Summer Academy in a busy and fast-paced environment. PRIMARY DUTIESGreet incoming visitors and provide directional or informational assistance as needed.Answer telephone calls providing specific information or routing to appropriate PUB Team member.Initiate emails and/or phone calls for projects that need a quick response.Perform accurate word-processing of lists, labels, certificates, and similar projects.Perform data entry and file confidential documents (must sign confidentiality agreement).Copy, fold, collate, staple, or fax documents; prepare mailings and documents for meetings.Provide “behind-the-scenes” support for Summer Academy orientation.Coordinate and facilitate teacher supply and copying orders.Make deliveries and pick-ups to different campus locations (which may include escorting participants).Keep storage areas organized and transport supplies between rooms/buildings as needed for programming (which may require some lifting).Other tasks as assigned by the Office Manager or Department Administrators. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONSAbility to clearly enunciate words in Standard English with a working knowledge of proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation in written form.Ability to successfully interact with the public, students, faculty, and staff from all backgrounds.Ability to stay focused in a highly busy, quickly changing, and sometimes loud environment.Computer literacy, especially with MicroSoft Office Suite, with medium-duty word-processing skills.Ability to operate standard office machines and telephone units; and bend, stretch, lift, and transport.Ability to utilize standard office resources (including Internet, digital camera, video camera). A CLERICAL SKILLS ASSESSMENT WILL BE ADMINISTERED TO TEST TYPING, FILING, AND COMMUNICATION SKILLS. DESIRED QUALIFICATIONSOne academic year successfully providing general office work, preferably in an education setting. Preference will be given to students who worked in PUB during the immediately prior academic year. All interested candidates should email their resume and cover letter to [email protected]. Interested Oakland University students should submit their resume and cover letter via Handshake at https://oakland.joinhandshake.com/login
Summer Academy Residential Peer Mentor at Oakland University
Thu, 27 Feb 2025 14:32:24 +0000
Employer: Oakland University
Expires: 06/02/2025
OAKLAND UNIVERSITY - PROJECT UPWARDBOUND COLLEGE PREP ACADEMY502 Meadow Brook Road - 120 Vandenberg Hall; Rochester, MI 48309-4401Phone: 248-370-3218 Fax:248-370-3217 Email: [email protected] JOB SUMMARY: SUMMER ACADEMY RESIDENTIAL PEER MENTORPURPOSE: Supervise, mentor, model success behaviors, and redirect PUB HS Scholars behaviors (as needed) DATES: Mandatory Training: June 6 & 9-14, 2025 Summer Academy: June 15-July 29, 2025 (Excludes 7/4) (end date may vary)WORKDAYS: Sunday 6:30pm -Friday 6:30pm. Weekdays on call before 3pm/Active duty at meals & after 3pmSUPERVISOR: Head Resident POSITIONS AVAILABLE: 1 male, 1 female COMPENSATION: $16/hr (training included) + Room, Meals, Group Travel, and Field Trip Admission Fees MINIMUM PERFORMANCE EXPECTATIONSParticipate in mandatory training. Live in the designated hall from training through the Summer Academy.Establish/maintain positive, respectful, and appropriate mentoring relationships w/PUB Scholars.Develop, implement, and supervise recreational and social activities.Supervise Scholars on all field trips. (Peer Mentor inclusion on the extended trip is performance-based.)Establish positive relationships with parents and other primary caretakers of PUB Scholars.Uphold team duty roster responsibilities.Facilitate activities that increase group cohesion, address concerns, promote open communication.Attend and Assist in planing and implementing weekly dorm meetings including Star Ceremony.Clarify, monitor, and enforce Project policies/procedures, especially as related to student conduct.Train and supervise peer (Scholar) mediation teams. Serve on Residential Mediation Team.Conduct fire drills,tornado drills, building and room inspections, key and ID checks/check-in/check-out.Monitor visitor access and participant movement in and out of the building and between floors.Participate in nightly/daily updates, weekly team meetings, and weekly team training sessions.Track and report participant points. Prepare weekly Scholar behavior reports for Director.Develop working relationships with the Academic Mentors.Assure that participants complete classwork in dorm when assigned.Plan and facilitate Family Day recreational activities.Participate in weekly performance evaluations and make the recommended performance improvementsOther responsibilities as assigned by the Head Resident or a Project Administrator. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS/PREREQUISITESCollege Junior or higher class standing by the end of Summer I preferred (grade slip)Verified 2.50 or higher cumulative GPA at accredited college/university (grade slip)Demonstrate Standard English proficiency in cover letter, resume’, and interviewMandatory: Residential living (dorm) experience with no campus or legal restrictions.Leadership, communication, social, & role modeling skills (list on resume)Previous active positive involvement with ethnically diverse youth populations (list on resume)Demonstrated INTEGRITY(doing the right thing) & COMMITMENT (keeping your word) CONSTRAINTS: NO CLASSES AT OR AFTER 3PM, NO ABSENCES FROM MEALS, NO OTHER EMPLOYMENT (This position is all-consuming.) ALL EMPLOYMENT IS CONTINGENT UPON A BACKGROUND CHECK.PREPARE TO GROW AS YOU HELP TEENS MATURE IN JUST 6 SHORT WEEKS!
Night Watch Person at Oakland University
Wed, 26 Feb 2025 20:26:28 +0000
Employer: Oakland University
Expires: 06/09/2025
JOB SUMMARY: SUMMER ACADEMY NIGHT WATCH PERSON JOB TITLE: Night Watch Person DURATION: 6 weeks, June 15 – July 24, 2025RATE: $15hr gross (before taxes) THURS: 10:00 p.m.-6:00 a.m. Sunday-Thursday nightsREPORTS TO: Head Resident POSITIONS AVAILABLE: 1 PURPOSE: Provide continual overnight surveillance inside the residence hall where minors live. PRIMARY DUTIESSecure the building by collaborating with Head Resident to assure that all entry and stairwell doors are secured by 10:00 p.m.Upon arrival, assure that all visitors have left the building.Monitor floors to assure that there is no entry of non-Project personnel and no unauthorized exit of Project participants after 10:00 p.m.Report building curfew violations to Head Resident.Monitor stairwells and hallways to assure that no students are off their assigned floors.Monitor hallways to assure that no students are out of their assigned rooms after 10:45 p.m.Partner with volunteering parents to conduct monitoring.Complete Incident/Exception Reports for any non-standard occurrences or behavior outside of the rules that takes place during the shift and report same (verbal and written) to Head Resident the next morning. In case of an emergency or breech of security (perceived or real), follow provided emergency procedures. Report building damage to the Head Resident.Initiate meetings with the Head Resident to share information and discuss concerns.Model behaviors expected of Project participants.Other duties as assigned by Head Resident or Administrative Team. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS/REQUIREMENTSCurrent college/university enrollment or graduation with at least a 2.50 GPA or adult with high school graduation and related experience.No academic, police, social or other violations or restrictions from campus.Previous experience working with at-risk, culturally diverse populations.Ability to remain awake and alert all night.Must undergo and pass background check. CONSTRAINTSNo other campus job while employed in this full-time position. THIS POSITION DOES NOT INCLUDE ROOM AND BOARD APPLY ON HANDSHAKE OR SUBMIT COVER LETTER AND RESUME TO [email protected] PLEASE STUDY THE PUB WEBSITE BEFORE THE INTERVIEW:From the OU home page, scroll down and click on “University Offices.”Then click on “Project Upward Bound” under “Student Affairs & Diversity.”
Career and Life Design Center
North Foundation Hall, Room 103
318 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester, MI 48309-4454
(location map)
(248) 370-3250
[email protected]
Office Hours
Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
318 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester, MI 48309-4454
(location map)
(248) 370-3250
[email protected]
Office Hours
Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Career and Life Design Center
North Foundation Hall, Room 103
318 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester, MI 48309-4454
(location map)
(248) 370-3250
Office Hours
Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
318 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester, MI 48309-4454
(location map)
(248) 370-3250
Office Hours
Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.