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Oakland University Trustee Academic Success (OUTAS) Program

The Oakland University Trustee Academic Success (OUTAS) program is a nationally recognized program setting the standard for academic excellence and leadership development in the 21st century. Launched in 1994, the award-winning OUTAS program has provided comprehensive support services to a diverse group of Oakland University students.

The program has been effective; the average grade point average for participants is higher than that of the overall student body. The program provides eligible entering freshmen with merit-based renewable four-year scholarships. Students who meet the OUTAS program requirements receive scholarships ($3,000) that are renewed annually.

The program differs from many other student retention programs because it focuses on providing scholarships and support to adjusting to campus life to a diverse group of students who experienced academic success in high school and met the university’s admission requirements. Many student retention programs focus solely on non-regularly admitted (at-risk) students.

Selection Criteria

  • Entering freshman with 3.0 high school GPA and 21 ACT score or 1060 SAT score or
  • Transfer student with 3.0 GPA

Program Requirements

  • Enroll in Collegiate Communications (COM 1100) OR Honors College 1000 for your first semester (this requirement does not apply to transfer students)
  • Attend CMI Scholars Welcome Experience (July 13-14)
  • Attend CMI Early Experience (August 28-29)
  • Meet once a week with a peer mentor (one-half hour sessions)
  • Meet once every two weeks with a Center for Multicultural Initiatives professional (one-half hour sessions)
  • Maintain a minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA
  • Complete 28 credits by the end of your first year (this requirement does not apply to transfer students)
  • Maintain full-time student status fall and winter each year
  • Meet once a semester with your First Year Adviser during your freshman year
  • Comply with Center for Multicultural Initiatives referrals to university academic support services

Components of the program collectively create a satisfying, positive learning environment for students. They offer a broad range of support services to ensure that core academic experiences are reinforced and personal and social transition to college is successful.

During the critical first year, the support services are designed to directly foster student connectivity to the university by requiring students to interact with peers, faculty and staff.

  • Peer Mentors
    OUTAS students meet once a week with mentors who "know the ropes" and can provide goal setting guidance as well as information about campus activities, resources and student organizations.
  • Professional Counseling
    Professional counselors provide guidance on psychosocial development, academic enrichment, financial opportunities and career exploration.
  • Collegiate Communications (COM 1100) OR Honors College 1000 (first semester)
    These classes increase student awareness, communication skills, and personal and academic success.
  • Academic Monitoring
    Designed to monitor and track the students individual academic progress, the process includes faculty feedback (Mid-Semester Evaluations), tutorial services and staff monitoring. 
  • Leadership Development
    Students work with professional staff and mentors to develop strong leadership abilities.
  • Career Exploration
    Mentors, CMI staff and counselors provide guidance and insights as OUTAS students explore career interests and options.
  • Diversity Programs
    Students are involved in a multitude of diversity programs, arranged by CMI, in support of the OUTAS model.

The goal of the Peer Mentor Program is to retain OUTAS, McCree, and Detroit scholarship recipients. The program is designed to be a systematic process by which experienced students apply and are hired to serve as mentors to help new students become accustomed to college life and develop their academic and leadership skills.

Assigned mentors meet weekly in one-on-one sessions with scholarship recipients to assess and monitor academic and social progress. Mentors provide scholarship recipients with information about classes, support services, academic programs and counseling. Students must meet with their mentors weekly for at least their first two years at the university.

CMI peer mentors are campus leaders. From New Student Orientation on, CMI mentors provide guidance and model academic and social success to their mentees and to the campus community.

Candidates must be enrolled full time, have a minimum of a 3.0 cumulative GPA, be in good disciplinary standing with the university and residence halls, be in Sophomore standing by the following Fall, demonstrate solid interpersonal communication skills, and complete an interviewing process.

Compensation and contract commitments consist of 1 day in April, 1 week in July, and 1 day in August for training, representing the CMI office at orientations and other University events, working approximately 10 hours a week during the academic school year, hourly pay starting at $15.00 per hour during the academic school year, and attending paraprofessional training sessions throughout the academic year. The recruitment process takes place each year between November and January.

Open or available to all students regardless of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin.

Center for Multicultural Initiatives (CMI)

North Foundation Hall, Room 104
318 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester, MI 48309
(location map)
(248) 370-4404

Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m