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Questions and Answers on Title IX and Sexual Violence

Below are common questions and answers related to sexual violence and Title IX. If you have any additional questions or want to speak with someone in person, please contact Chad Martinez, Title IX Coordinator, at (248) 370-2450 or [email protected].

Emergency Contact Numbers
OU Police Department
Dial 911 (campus phone) or (248) 370-3331 (cell phone)
Send a text to 67283 and include “OUPD” at the beginning of the message

HAVEN (off-campus)
24-hour crisis and support line: (248) 334-1274
Toll-free crisis line: (877) 922-1274

What is sexual misconduct?
Sexual misconduct is unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature without consent and includes sexual harassment, sexually hostile environments and sexual violence. Please refer to the Policy for more detailed information.


What does consent to sex mean?

The best way to describe what is "unwelcome" or "without consent" is to describe what consent is and is not:  

  • Consent is an affirmation, unambiguous, and a conscious decision by each participant to engage in mutually agreed upon sexual activity.  
  • Consent is revocable and can be withdrawn at any time.  
  • Consent to some form of sexual activity does not imply consent to other forms of sexual activity.
  • Consent to sexual activity on one occasion is not consent to engage in sexual activity on another occasion.  
  • Silence does not imply consent.  
  • Consent to engage in sexual activity with one person does not imply consent to engage in sexual activity with another.
  • If coercion, intimidation, threats, or physical force are used there is no consent.
  • If a person is underage there is no consent.
  • If a person is mentally or physically incapacitated so that they cannot understand the fact, nature or extent of the sexual situation, there is no consent. This includes incapacitation due to alcohol or drug consumption, or being asleep or unconscious.


Are women the only victims of sexual misconduct?
No, both females and males can be victims of sexual misconduct. For more information regarding sexual misconduct and males, please visit https://www.rainn.org/articles/sexual-assault-men-and-boys.


Is it possible to be victimized by someone of the same sex?
Yes, if you have been subjected to sexual misconduct, your gender and the gender of the alleged perpetrator are irrelevant. Such conduct is prohibited by Title IX and by OU policy.


If an incident of sexual misconduct occurs off campus can the university investigate?
Sexual misconduct can occur in any University sponsored program, both on-campus and off-campus or at an off-campus location if the effects of the misconduct adversely affects or creates a hostile environment on campus and/or is detrimental to the University's interests.


If an incident occurred and I was drinking will I get in trouble?
OU's priority is to prevent sexual misconduct.  While the specifics of the situation will be considered, OU's primary focus will be to address the sexual misconduct.


Someone has filed a complaint against me, what should I do?
Do not contact the reporting person through any means - in person, by phone, by mail, by social media or electronic communication or through someone else.  Familiarize yourself with OU's policies and process for investigating complaints of sexual misconduct.  If you have questions about the policies or process, please contact the Title IX Coordinator or the Deputy Title IX Coordinator.
To whom should I report that I've been the victim of sexual misconduct?
If you are a student, click here.
If you are a faculty or staff member, click here.

Will my complaint remain confidential?
The privacy of parties is a priority for OU. However, sometimes information must be disclosed in order to fully investigate a complaint. If you are concerned about confidentiality discuss the issue with the Title IX Coordinator or the Deputy Title IX Coordinator.

See additional reporting details here.

What if I want to remain anonymous?
Your confidentiality will be protected to the maximum extent possible, but anonymity may hinder an investigation into your complaint.

My friend told me he or she was assaulted. What can I do to help?
Be supportive and listen to what she or he has to say then encourage your friend to report.

What are my obligations if an incident of sexual misconduct is reported to me?

Anyone who experiences, witnesses or learns of sexual misconduct is strongly encouraged to report the situation to the University.  The person reporting does not have to be the target.  The OUPD is the first responder to any immediate safety concerns.

If you are a faculty or staff member and you become aware of a student that has been a victimized, you must report the incident to:

  • The Office of Inclusion and Intercultural Initiatives; or
  • The Dean of Students Office

What if I am retaliated against for complaining about sexual misconduct or participating in an investigation?
You cannot be retaliated against for inquiring about possible sexual misconduct, making a complaint, participating in an investigation, or assisting another in making a complaint.  Retaliation is a serious violation of University policy and if found to have occurred will subject the violator to discipline up to, and including, termination, even if the sexual misconduct is found not to have occurred.
What is a Title IX Coordinator?
The Title IX Coordinator is the University's official responsible for ensuring compliance with Title IX.  The University has both a Title IX and Deputy Title IX Coordinator.  The former responds to and investigates allegations of sexual misconduct in which the responding party is a faculty or staff member and the latter addresses such matters when the person responding to allegations of sexual misconduct is a student.


Who are the Title IX Coordinators?
Chad Martinez
Title IX and Compliance Director 
150 Oakland Center
(248) 370-2450
[email protected]

Jessie Hurse
Associate Dean of Students & Deputy Title IX Coordinator
150 Oakland Center 
(248) 370-3352
 [email protected]


Isn't Title IX just about Athletics?
No, not entirely Title IX protects persons from discrimination based on sex in educational programs or activities that receive Federal financial assistance, including institutions of higher education. Educational programs and activities that receive such funding must operate in a nondiscriminatory manner. Some key issue areas in which recipients have Title IX obligations are: recruitment, admissions, counseling, financial assistance, and athletics, to name a few.

Office of the Dean of Students

Oakland Center, Suite 150
312 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester, MI 48309-4454
(location map)
(248) 370-3352

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.