Veteran Resources
Welcome Oakland University Veterans to Disability Support Services. We are proud to serve you and would like to assist in making your transition or return to college as smooth as possible.
Disability Support Services collaborates with students and their professors to provide accommodations that ensure equal access.
Accommodations may include:
- Extended time for exams and quizzes
- Reduced distraction testing environment
- Reader/scribe
- Alternate table and chairs
- Note-taking Assistance
- Accessible media/technology
Receiving Disability Support Services in no way impacts your VA Benefits or a Disability Rating. At no point is medical information shared with other faculty or staff.
In order to receive services, students must demonstrate the need for services based on a qualifying condition that interferes with a major like activity. Examples of qualifying conditions are PTSD, ADHD, Traumatic Brain Injury, Depression, Anxiety, Learning Disabilities, etc.
You must provide documentation of your qualifying condition from an appropriate professional. Student Veterans can use documentation obtained from Veteran Affairs. Documentation such as a DD Form, diagnostic exam or evaluation, should include a diagnosis. Other options for obtaining documentation are personal care physicians and/or Graham Health/Counseling Center.
Once you have the necessary documentation regarding your disability, you will meet individually with a DSS Coordinator. During this meeting it will be determined if you are eligible for services. If you are determined eligible, you will work 1:1 with the coordinator to develop a plan specific to you. Accommodation Letters, which outline your specific accommodations, will be made for your professors. You then take the letters, give them to the professors, and discuss the accommodations and how they will work for you.
Disability Support Services
371 Wilson Boulevard
Rochester, MI 48309-4454
(location map)
(248) 370-3266
Fax: (248) 370-4327
[email protected]
Office Hours:
Mon-Fri: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.