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Online Course Types

Instructional Methods

The following are considered fully online course instructional methods, which do not require students to come to OU's campus for classes: 

  • Online-Async (OA)
    Courses are 100% online. There are no in-person meetings, no scheduled days and times.
  • Online-Sync (OS)
    Courses are 100% online at scheduled days and times.
  • HyFlex (HF)
    Course combines in-person and online learning; Students can choose their mode of participation. 

The following instructional methods consist of both online and in-person components:

  • Primarily Online (PO)
    Classes are online except for up to 3 required in-person meetings, all required meetings will be listed in the schedule of classes.
  • Flex (FX)
    Students can choose if they want to attend in-person or online for most class sessions. There may be some required in-person meetings.
  • Hybrid (LW)
    Courses have a mix of online and in-person class sessions.

The following are considered on-campus/in-person course instructional methods, which primarily meet on-campus:

  • HyFlex (HF)
    Course combines in-person and online learning; Students can choose their mode of participation. 
  • Flex (FX)
    Students can choose if they want to attend in-person or online for most class sessions. There may be some required in-person meetings.
  • In-Person (IP)
    Courses meet in-person.

Additional Instructional Method:

  • Arranged (AR)
    Courses are arranged between the instructor and student and can be any of the three types listed above depending on agreement.

Building Locations

Online classes will also display an online location of Online WEB

  • Building: Online
  • Room: WEB

Face-to-Face Meetings in Primarily Online, Flex, Hybrid, and In-Person Courses
Required face-to-face meetings (dates, times and approved locations) must be listed in the class schedule prior to the start of registration. This allows the student to know before they register what meetings they will be required to attend. It is important that schedulers input this information, otherwise the student may register into a course only to find out later that the course has a meeting that overlaps with another commitment (like a work schedule, or a meeting for another course).

Synchronous Online Meetings in Online-Sync, Primarily Online, HyFlex, Flex and Hybrid Courses
Any of the above listed courses may have some synchronous meetings using tools like Zoom or Google Meet. While these virtual meetings don't have a specific physical location, they are specific to a date and time. When the scheduler sets the course up, he/she must indicate the date and time of each synchronous meeting, either by adding it as an official meeting or by mentioning it in the course comments. If this information isn't defined, the student may register into the course only to find that one or more of the synchronous meetings overlaps with another commitment (like a work schedule, or a meeting for another course).

Changing a Course Instructional Method
The instructional method for a course will not be approved or adjusted for any term where registration has already opened and students are registered. For instance, if registration is open for the Fall semester of the current year, schedulers cannot adjust and faculty cannot approve a new instructional method for any course in that active term if there are any students registered for the course. Adhering to this rule ensures that students are able to plan their schedule with minimal confusion.

e-Learning and Instructional Support

Kresge Library, Room 430
100 Library Drive
Rochester, MI 48309-4479
(location map)
Office: (248) 805-1625

e-LIS Virtual Help Desk:
Monday - Thursday 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Saturday 10 a.m. - noon
Help: (248) 805-1625