GrizzCa$h is a fast, easy and convenient alternative to carrying cash on campus. By activating your GrizzCa$h account, you can use your GrizzCard as a pre-paid debit card for on-campus purchases. Each time you make a purchase using your GrizzCard, your GrizzCa$h account is debited. With the GrizzCa$h feature, you can also take advantage of periodic promotions and discounts.
There is no minimum amount needed to open a GrizzCa$h account. Funds in your GrizzCa$h account carry over from semester to semester and year to year. Your GrizzCa$h account is separate from your meal plan. The appropriate account is debited when you use your card.
GrizzCa$h balance and activity can be seen by logging into the Online ID Card Office. Balances can also be checked in the ID Card Office or any VTS machine.
Activating your GrizzCa$h account is as simple as making a deposit. To make a GrizzCa$h deposit:
- Visit the ID Card Office during regular business hours
- Use the Value Transfer Stations located across from The Market in the Oakland Center, across from the circulation desk in Kresge Library, or by the ERL in Pawley Hall.
- Fill out a deposit sheet and mail a check (made out to Oakland University) to:
Oakland University ID Card Office
149 Oakland Center
312 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester, MI 48309-4454 - Deposit sheets are available in the ID Card Office or by emailing [email protected].
Payroll Deduction
OU faculty and staff may automatically deposit funds into their GrizzCa$h accounts by completing a GrizzCa$h Payroll Deduction Authorization Form. The form can be filled out in the ID Card Office or online.
- Pioneer Food Court
- Bistro ft. Zingerman's Coffee
- Vandenberg Dining Center
- Hillcrest Dining Center
- Pawley Hall Convenience Store
- Tilly's Convenience Store
- Frankie's Cafe
- Atrium Cafe
- The Market
- The Hive
Other locations:
- ID Card Office
- Education Resource Laboratory
- Campus wepa print stations
- Copiers at Kresge Library and the Oakland Center
- OSI Service Window
Save 10% on normally priced barista made and drip coffee drinks!
Available at campus Starbucks-serving locations and Zingerman's. (Excludes refills.)
GrizzCa$h accounts are subject to the terms and conditions in the GrizzCa$h Account Disclosure Statement.
- The GrizzCard is the property of Oakland University. Upon the university’s request, the cardholder agrees to return the GrizzCard to Oakland University.
- The GrizzCard is non-transferable. Only the person pictured on the GrizzCard is authorized to spend cash from that account.
- It is the cardholder's responsibility to contact the ID Card Office if a GrizzCard has been lost or stolen. Lost, stolen, or damaged cards will incur a $15 replacement fee.
- GrizzCa$h account balances may be checked at the ID Card Office, an electronic transfer station, or at campus point-of-sale locations. Account activity reports are available upon request at the ID Card Office in the Oakland Center.
- Refunds will be made upon termination with the university (e.g., through graduation, withdrawal or leaving employment). A Request for Refund form must be filled out at the ID Card Office. A refund check will be sent to the cardholder.
- GrizzCa$h account balances roll over from one semester to the next. GrizzCa$h accounts will be reviewed after 12 months of inactivity. If a cardholder is no longer a registered student or current employee, funds will be refunded automatically, less a $15 processing charge. Refund checks will be sent to the last known address.
- If you present a check for payment or deposit and the check is subsequently returned for any reason, we will charge your account a $25 returned check fee. The university will use all legal recourse to collect amounts due.
- GrizzCard and GrizzCa$h Terms and Conditions are subject to change.
Electronic fund transfer services permit cardholders to transfer funds without the use of cash or checks. At Oakland University, one way funds can be transferred is by using Oakland University's GrizzCard. The GrizzCard may be used at a number of readers on campus to make purchases from cardholder accounts. The Electronic Fund Transfer Act of 1978 protects cardholders in their use of electronic fund transfer services. Described herein are important notices regarding your rights under the act. Unauthorized access of a GrizzCard cash account is a criminal offense and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Please retain this disclosure for your future reference.
Disclosure for electronic fund transfers
- The use of the GrizzCard is subject to all the terms and conditions and rules and regulations contained in the Oakland University residence hall handbook.
- The cardholder agrees that the GrizzCard shall be property of Oakland University. The cardholder further agrees to return the GrizzCard to Oakland University upon the university's request.
- Balances given at readers may not reflect outstanding manual account activity.
Disclosure of consumer's liability for unauthorized transfers and disclosure of the advisability report
It is the cardholder's responsibility to contact us if you believe your GrizzCard has been lost or stolen. We will block your GrizzCard, preventing unauthorized usage after we are notified. Your maximum liability for unauthorized use of your lost or stolen GrizzCard is $50 if we are notified within two (2) business days after you learn of the loss or theft of your GrizzCard. Your maximum liability for unauthorized use of your lost or stolen GrizzCard, after you learn of the loss or theft of your GrizzCard, is $500 if we are notified after two (2) business days have expired. In both cases, your maximum liability may be further limited by the amount of unauthorized transfer(s) that actually occur. If you believe there have been transfers you did not make, notify us at once. If you do not notify us within 90 days of original purchase, you may not get back any money you lost if we can prove that we could have stopped someone from taking the money if you had told us in time. The time limit for reporting unauthorized electronic fund transfers may be extended in the event of extenuating circumstances that prevent you from contacting us.
Disclosure of telephone number/address to be used in the event of unauthorized transfer, lost or stolen card
If you believe your GrizzCard has been lost or stolen or if you believe someone has transferred money from your account without your permission, call (248) 370-2291 (24 hours/day) or write:
ID Card Office
Oakland Center
312 Meadow Brook Rd
Oakland University
Rochester, MI 48309-4401
If you call after business hours, your call will be answered by an automatic system.
- Give us your name.
- Give us any information you have that may help in preventing a loss or further losses.
- Give us your telephone number where we may contact you during normal business hours.
Disclosure of what constitutes business days of institution
Our business days are Monday through Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Holidays are not included.
Types of available transfers
The following services are currently available from GrizzCard readers using your GrizzCard. These services may change at the discretion of the university. You may use your GrizzCard to:
- Make purchases from your meal plan dining account at readers operated by Chartwells.
- Make purchases from your GrizzCa$h account at readers where merchants have agreed to accept GrizzCa$h dollars.
- Make cash contributions to your GrizzCa$h account at the ID Card Office or at the electronic transfer stations on campus.
Limitations on frequency of transfers
For security reasons there may be limitations on the number of transactions you make at our terminals and point-of-sale locations.
Limitations on dollar amounts of transfers
For security reasons there may be limitations on the dollar amount of any transaction. Transactions may not exceed the dollar amount available in your account.
Charges for transfers or right to make transfers
The university does not charge the cardholder for the use of the GrizzCard. GrizzCa$h account balances may be checked at the ID Card Office, an electronic transfer station, or a campus point-of-sale location. GrizzCa$h account balance refunds are only available when your relationship with the university is terminated (e.g., through graduation, withdrawal or leaving employment). To request a refund, a Request for Refund form must be filled out at 149 Oakland Center. A check with the refund amount will be sent to the cardholder. GrizzCa$h accounts that remain inactive for 12 months will be refunded automatically, less a $15 processing charge. The ID Card Office reserves the right to charge a $15 fee for the replacement of lost, stolen or damaged cards.
Right to receive documentation of transfers
- Reader transfers:
- You may request a receipt at the time you make a purchase from any reader operated by a vendor
- You will not receive a receipt from a reader attached to a vending machine or photocopy machine. If you have further questions regarding these transfers, you may call us at (248) 370-2291.
- Account activity:
- GrizzCa$h account balances may be checked at the ID Card Office, an electronic transfer station, or a campus point-of-sale location.
- Account activity reports are available upon request at the ID Card Office. If you have further questions regarding your account activity, you may stop in 149 Oakland Center or call us at (248) 370-2291.
Disclosure of the university's liability for failure to make transfers
If we do not properly complete a transfer to or from your account according to our agreement with you, we will be liable for your losses or damages. However, there are some exceptions. We will not be liable, for instance:
- If, through no fault of ours, your account does not contain enough money to make a transfer.
- If the GrizzCard reader was not working properly and you knew about the malfunction when you started the transfer.
- If circumstances beyond our control prevent the transfer. These circumstances might include, but are not limited to, any of the following events: fire, flood or other catastrophe, legal acts of public authorities, strikes, riots, failure of communications or power supply or mechanical difficulties with the equipment that could not be reasonably foreseen or provided against.
- If your account has been blocked to prevent unauthorized usage.
- There may be other exceptions.
Disclosure of account information to third parties
We will disclose information to third parties about your account or the transfers you make:
- Where it is necessary for completing transfers, or
- In order to verify the existence and condition of your account for a third-party vendor with whom you transacted business, or
- In order to comply with government subpoena or court order, or
- If you give us your written permission.
Error resolution notice
In case of errors or questions about your electronic transfers, call (248) 370-2291 or write:
ID Card Office
Oakland Center
312 Meadow Brook Rd
Oakland University
Rochester, MI 48309-4401
Notify us immediately if you believe your balance or receipt is wrong or if you need more information about the transfer listed on the balance or receipt. We must hear from you no later than sixty (90) days of the original transaction date. We will need the following information:
- Your name and Grizzly ID number.
- A description of the error or the transfer you are unsure about and an explanation as to why you believe it is an error or why you need more information.
- The dollar amount of the suspected error.
- Your telephone number where we may contact you during normal business hours.
If you tell us orally, we will require you send us a written description of your problem within 10 business days after we hear from you and will correct any error promptly. If we need more time, however, we may take up to 45 calendar days to complete our investigation. In this case, we may provisionally recredit your account within 10 business days for the amount you believe is in error. You will have the use of the money during the time it takes us to complete our investigation. If you do not send us a written description of your problem and we do not receive it within 10 business days, we may not provisionally recredit your account.
If our investigation proves there was no error, we will send you a written explanation within three (3) business days after we complete our investigation. You may ask for copies of the documents that we used in our investigation.
Other cardholder rules and responsibilities
- The GrizzCard is non-transferable. Only the person pictured on the GrizzCard is authorized to spend cash from that account.
- The cardholder may be required to sign a receipt for goods or services rendered.
- Cash cannot be withdrawn from GrizzCa$h accounts (refer to section pertaining to charges for transfers or right to make transfers).
- Balances left in active GrizzCa$h accounts carry over to the next semester and from year to year.
- Merchants may accept purchases for return in accordance with the refund policy at the place of purchase. We will credit returns to your account. No cash refunds will be given.
- The cardholder is responsible for maintaining a valid GrizzCard that is in proper working condition.
- If you present a check for payment or deposit and the check is subsequently returned for any reason, we will charge your account a $25 returned check fee. The university will use all legal recourse to collect amounts due.
ID Card Office
312 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester, MI 48309-4454
(location map)
(248) 370-2291
[email protected]
Regular office hours:
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
No appointment required
Hours are subject to change and will be updated to reflect any necessary changes.
If you have questions regarding your GrizzCard or GrizzCa$h, please email [email protected]