Doctor of Nursing Practice
School of Nursing
Graduates who possess a DNP degree are prepared to assume clinical and leadership roles in both academic and practice settings. Knowledge acquisition in the DNP program includes the ability to analyze organizational and clinical systems, critique evidence to support clinical practice and improve patient outcomes, and develop practice guidelines to enhance patient safety.
Delivery Type: 100% online with the exception of the on-campus Doctoral week.
Credit required/Time to completion: 38 credits/2-3 years
Cost of degree: Tuition rates
Projected National Average Salary: $85,600
Projected National Job Growth: 23.3%
Who should apply: Nurses interested in enhancing science and theory of nursing practice, communication and leadership skills and ethical use of technology and research methods to improve practice and the practice environment.
Who is hiring OU grads: Corewell Health, United States Department of Veterans Affairs, Concerta, University of Michigan, and more.
*Data was last reviewed in February 2024. Projections may not reflect local and/or short-term economic or job conditions and do not guarantee actual job growth.
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