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704 Internal Promotions and Transfers


RATIONALE:  To make Promotion and Transfer opportunities available to Full-time and Regular Part-time staff employees, and to reduce operational costs.

POLICY:  This policy gives hiring supervisors discretion to Promote and/or Transfer qualified Full-time and Regular Part-time staff employees to Open Positions without conducting an external search, as long as the Promotion or Transfer will create another Open Position that will be filled utilizing the University’s standard policies and practices including full recruitment efforts and an external search.  Promotions and/or Transfers under this policy are at the sole discretion of the hiring supervisor and are not mandatory.  Positions must be posted internally for 10 business days as noted below.

SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY:  All Full-time and Regular Part-time staff employees are eligible.  Full-time and Regular Part-time staff employees may be Promoted and/or Transferred under this policy multiple times without limitation and to any department and across divisions.  All Open Positions can be considered, except those that are subject to a collective bargaining agreement that governs Promotions and/or Transfers for bargaining unit positions.


Eligible Employee:  A current Full-time or Regular Part-time staff employee who is qualified for an Open Position.

Employee’s Position:  The Eligible Employee’s current position.

Full-time and Regular Part-time:  Employment status for employees who work the requisite number of hours and meet all other requirements that the University has established to be so classified and which are in effect at the time of the Promotion and/or Transfer.

Open Position:  Vacant post in an equivalent or higher classification or job group and/or pay grade as the Employee’s Position.

Promote/Promotion:  Elevating an Eligible Employee from the Employee’s Position to a higher level Open Position.

Transfer:  Moving an Eligible Employee from the Employee's Position to an Open Position of the same level.


The hiring supervisor will notify the Human Resource Department when an Open Position anticipated to be filled by Promotion or Transfer.  The conditions and procedures for a Promotion or Transfer are as follows:

  1. As a result of the Promotion and/or Transfer the Employee’s Position, or a position in a lower classification or job group and/or pay grade than the Employee’s Position, will be filled (and not left open) consistent with the University’s standard policies and practices including full recruitment efforts and an external search.

  2. The Open Position will be posted on the University’s website for 10 business days and broadcast electronically to University employees as being for “Internal Applicants Only.”

  3. No external recruitment will be required.

  4. Eligible Employees must apply via the online employment system.

  5. The hiring supervisor does not have to interview internal applicants unless otherwise required by an applicable collective bargaining agreement, personnel policy manual or other University policy or practice.

  6. Unless otherwise required by an applicable personnel policy manual or other University policy or practice, the Eligible Employee must accept the employment terms and conditions applicable to the Open Position without modification.  No such modifications will be negotiated or approved.

  7. The Vice President for Human Resources must verify that all conditions and procedures for a Promotion and/or Transfer have been satisfied.


OU AP&P #710 Administrative Guidelines Prohibiting Discrimination

OU AP&P #711 Guidelines for Handling Discrimination Complaints

OU AP&P #712 Administrative Guidelines for Supporting Equal Opportunity

OU AP&P #718 Employment of High School Students and Minors

OU AP&P #725 Filling Vacancies of Non-Faculty Positions

OU AP&P #750 Oakland University Faculty Hiring Procedures

OU AP&P #770 Temporary and Casual Employees



OU Administrative Policies and Procedures

371 Wilson Blvd.
Suite 4000
Rochester, MI 48309-4482
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