RATIONALE: The Printing Services Department (PSD) serves the entire Oakland University (University) community in fulfilling printing/copying needs, both for in-house production and through the use of External Vendors. This policy addresses submission of projects to the PSD in order to maintain high quality, visual consistency and cost effective service for the University community.
POLICY: All campus printing/copying requirements must be processed through the PSD if originating departments cannot economically meet their needs using their own departmental printers/copiers. If the PSD is not able to effectively complete the project for any reason, PSD, in accordance with the Procurement Policy #1000, will arrange to have the project completed by an External Vendor.
All projects involving External Vendors, except satellite locations, as noted below, must be approved by University Communication & Marketing (C&M) or PSD prior to the work being ordered to ensure optimal printing quality, price and timing.
Printing/copying needs for satellite University locations (Macomb University Center, as an example) may be handled locally when that option is more economical than working with PSD on the main campus.
The PSD is not responsible for the operation or maintenance of copiers and printers residing within the various University departments.
External Vendor: For the purpose of this policy, an External Vendor is a company offering printing or copying services.
Copyright Clearance Permission: All requests for copies of copyrighted materials must have approved copyright clearance permission attached. Course packs should be cleared through the University's Bookstore in accordance with OU AP&P #185 Supplementary Classroom Materials.
Personal Services: PSD accepts personal printing requests from University employees (e.g., event invitations, stationary, etc.) so long as University business related projects are not affected. Individuals will be charged directly for services rendered. Interested parties should contact the PSD for more information.
General Information: Publications (newsletters, booklets, posters, etc.) intended for an external audience must be prepared in accordance with the requirements of UCM. This includes the use of University trademarks, logos and symbols. See OU AP&P #488 University Communications.
PSD works in partnership with the Mail Services Department on print projects that will be direct mailed to external audiences to ensure compliance with U.S. Postal Service requirements. See OU AP&P #1340 Mail Service.
Departments should give appropriate lead time for projects to ensure that their deadlines can be met. Since lead times vary depending on the scope of the project, departments should contact PSD early in the process for proper planning.
PSD prints and stocks the majority of University approved forms. A list of available items can be found on the PSD website. PSD has a Customer Service counter in the Police and Support Services building (PSS) open during the business hours as shown on the PSD website.
On-campus pick-up and delivery service is available.
Further information on all services offered is kept current on the PSD website.