Appleton Critical Difference Fund
The Betty and Shelly Appleton Critical Difference Endowed Fund
The purpose of the Appleton Critical Difference Fund is to make awards to undergraduate students in the Department of Political Science to support their participation in significant educational or career activities through internship opportunities and to help purchase course materials for students with financial hardships.
Undergraduate students with a declared major in Political Science, Public Administration, or Secondary Education with a declared major or minor in Political Science; a quality academic performance; and service to the University and larger community. Preference will be given to students planning a career in teaching at any level.
To apply for the funds to be used toward an internship opportunity, please begin by filling out the application form.
To apply for the funds to be used to purchase course materials because of a financial hardship, please send an email to Professor Trumbore briefly outlining your course material needs and your hardship.
Please email Professor Trumbore with any questions about the Appleton Critical Difference Fund.
Political Science