Internships and Careers
Yes! You can get a job with a political science or public administration degree!
Political science prepares individuals for active citizenship, careers in public affairs, and advanced study in the social sciences and law. Students of political science learn to be observers of political behavior in our own country and around the world. Training in systematic analysis and problem solving equip political science majors for many different types of government and private positions in fields/areas such as legislature, the courts, civil service, citizen groups, banking, business administration, urban planning, and education.
On this page you will find great examples of recent internship opportunities. For the most current internship openings, make sure to check our Facebook page where each opportunity is posted as soon as we receive it.
The Department of Political Science does not keep a list of available internships like some other departments. This is by design. We want students to find an internship that really interests them rather than simply picking one from a list.
To do an internship for credit in political science or international relations, students identify and secure the internship they wish to complete. After this, students should contact Professor Dulio via email and fill out this Google form. Professor Dulio will work with the host organization to make sure that it is appropriate for credit in political science. After the appropriateness of the internship is confirmed, Professor Dulio will open a spot in PS 4955 for the student.
The academic expectations for the internship course are specified here. These are in addition to the 160 hours of work at the organization that the course requires.
From time to time, the Political Science Department will entertain a student's request to use the internship course to satisfy the capstone requirement. Approval is rare; it hinges on a student's internship being a truly remarkable experience. Students who believe an internship experience fits this description should contact Professor Dulio.
Professor David Dulio
417 Varner Hall
(248) 370-2532
[email protected]
Professor Diane Hartmus, Internship Director
420 Varner Hall
(248) 370-2375
[email protected]
Any degree from the Political Science Department will prepare you for a wide range of career opportunities. A strong liberal arts degree like political science, international relations, or public administration and public policy opens many more doors than it closes because of the skill set that students develop.
Because of this, it can be overwhelming when considering all of the the options that exist for graduates in political science. To get a better understanding of the opportunities, career options, and doors that are opened with a degree in political science you can explore resources like:
Examples of careers and fields common in political science and related disciplines that can help identify strategies to market yourself for your ideal job.
OU's First Year Advising Center's information on exploring and investigating majors.
The American Political Science Association's careers link.
In addition, students should talk to their faculty adviser and connect with Career Services with other questions and for advice about career exploration. In addition, we have resources in the department office that can also be of help. Stop by and see us.
Political Science