Suggested Workshop
- Interview Overview Workshop -- sign-up or Interview Workshop -- recording and Virtual Workshop -- recording
Suggested Resources
- Practice - "Big Interview" on Career and Life Design Center website
- Practice - MMI Practice Questions
Many Professional Schools may bring in their top candidates for personal interviews. There are two different types that they might use: Traditional Interviews and Multiple Mini Interview (MMI).
- Traditional Interview - The candidates are usually interviewed by one or more people. The questions will be about you as an individual, special life experiences, and what you learned from these experiences.
- Tips:
- Students should review the application before the interview and research possible interview questions.
- You need to be prepared to answer, “Why do you want to be a …?”
- Tips:
- Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) - The candidates go through 6-8 timed stations which consist of questions, role play and collaboration. The questions are meant to see how candidates handle different situations and work in teams.
- Tips:
- To prepare for this interview, the candidates should review current events and crisis management skills.
- There is no right answer. Students should be prepared to consider multiple perspectives in addressing various ethical dilemmas.
- Although other applicants are your competitors, they could also be future colleagues. Do not try and sabotage other applicants or peers in group activities.
- Tips:
- For additional help with interview practice, contact Career and Life Design Center at 248-370-3250 or [email protected].
Pre-Professional Advising
College of Arts and Science
Fitzgerald House, Room 100 (lobby)
614 Pioneer Drive
Rochester, MI 48309-4482
(248) 370-4936
[email protected]
614 Pioneer Drive
Rochester, MI 48309-4482
(248) 370-4936
[email protected]
School of Health Science
3070 Human Health Building
433 Meadow Brook Rd
Rochester, MI 48309-4482
(248) 370-2369
[email protected]
433 Meadow Brook Rd
Rochester, MI 48309-4482
(248) 370-2369
[email protected]