Kevin J. Corcoran, Ph.D.
1984 - Ph.D. University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT (Clinical Psychology)
1982 - M.A. University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT (Clinical Psychology)
1980 - B.A. LaSalle College, Philadelphia, PA (Psychology)
Administrative Positions
2024 - Interim Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, Oakland University Chief Academic Officer at Oakland University (start date: July, 2024)
2018-2021 - Chief Community Engagement Officer, Oakland University (OU)
Leading and coordinating campus-wide efforts in Community Engagement in Southeastern Michigan (with special focus on the community of Pontiac, MI) in this newly created position. Responsibilities include aligning efforts with institutional priorities and strategic plan; identifying opportunities and tracking involvement of faculty, staff and students in community activities; representing University at community events; and facilitating communication among internal and external constituencies. These responsibilities are in addition to my duties as Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, and my appointment reflects my leadership in this area over the past several years.
2013-2021 - Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, Oakland University (OU)
Dean of largest College at state university of ~20,000 students (College of Arts and Sciences offers ~2/3 of all undergraduate credits at OU; College currently has 18 academic departments, a School of Music, Theatre and Dance; offering roughly 100 different academic majors and more than 40 minors. Budget in excess of $53 Million; approximately 320 full time faculty members (and more than 450 part time faculty); roughly 6500 students have declared academic majors within the College. As Dean, serve on Council of Deans and University Senate; chair College Assembly.
Initiatives during my tenure as Dean
- Executed planning process—resulting in College focus on: a) Arts and Sciences as core of University; b) Student Success; c) Engagement with Community
- Developed and led (and continue to lead) University-Community partnership process with city of Pontiac
- Developed two College seed grant programs, focused on Student Success and Community Engagement (aligned with College strategic focus areas)
- Developed OU Credit Union-funded Award Program (“Learning outside the classroom”); aligned with strategic focus
- Developed new academic department of Bioengineering in collaboration with School of Engineering and Computer Science
- Shepherded new programs through governance approval process: B.A. in Public Relations; Ph.D in Applied and Computational Physics; B.S. Bioengineering
- Assisted in development and launch of 5 year BA/MPA; BA/MA (Communications) and BA/MS (Psychology) programs (“4+1 programs”)
- Assisted in development of programs involving seamless transition of undergraduates to two local law schools (“3+3 programs”)
- Oversaw hiring of 90+ new faculty
- Increase in External (grant) funding of over 50% annually during tenure
- Increase in philanthropic gifts of over 50% annually during tenure
- Launched Center for Religious Understanding, Center for Civic Engagement, Center for Public Humanities, Center for Evolutionary Psychological Science, and Center for Ethics
- Initiated Non-Profit certificate program (fifth cohort beginning)
- Reinstituted College “Theme”—emphasizing Liberal Arts Education (“Unity in Diversity”)
- Shepherded approval for School of Music Theatre and Dance within College of Arts and Sciences
- Coordinated development of Center for English as a Second Language
- Coordinated effort—in collaboration with Career Services Office--to link curriculum with career readiness (“College of Arts and Sciences Advantage”; FLAGs)
- Successfully completed external accreditation--including site visits (Music; Dance; Theatre; Public Administration; Social Work)
- Initiated enhanced collaboration with two-year “feeder” schools (including articulation agreements)
- Initiated Early/Middle College agreement
- Initiated summer math program (“MathBridge”) for middle school student in midst of pandemic
- Initiated Mentoring and Professional Development process for Department chairs
- Initiated Mentoring Program for new faculty
- Initiated recognition ceremony for newly promoted faculty
- Initiated recognition program for outstanding faculty (“Order of the Plume”)
Campus—Community— Professional Service (selected examples)
- CCAS Standing Committee on Metropolitan/Urban Institutions (Chair 2016-18)
- University Representative, Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities
- Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities Planning Committee (2016-2017; 2020-2021)
- Co-facilitator, New Deans Workshop; Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences (CCAS; 2016-2018)
- Peer Reviewer, Higher Learning Commission
- Meadow Brook Theatre Board Member (Local Professional Theatre)
- Centro Multicultural La Familia, Board Member
- DesignConnect Board Member (Local Arts/Design non-profit)
- Oakland University-Pontiac Partnership Core Leadership Team, Member
- Pontiac Collective Impact Leadership Group, Member
Campus Leadership Service
- Re-imagining Oakland University (co-chair)
- Oakland University Council on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Planning committee for statewide “Equity in the Classroom” conference
- Oakland University Diversity Conference Planning Committee
- Oakland University Campus Climate Survey Committee
- Oakland University Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Advisory Board (Co-chair)
- Oakland University Student Retention and Success Committee
- Oakland University Campus Wellness Committee
- Oakland University All University Fund Drive (Co-chair 2014-15)
- Oakland University Internal and External Branding Committees
- University Strategic Planning Committee
- Research and Creative work University Strategic goal sub-committee (Chair)
- Campus Master Plan Committee
- Oakland University Administrative Search Committees
- School of Education and Human Services Dean (Chair)
- Vice President for Development and Alumni Relations
- AVP Academic Human Resources
- Presidential Search Committee
2006-2009 - Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, Northern Kentucky University (NKU)
Dean of largest College at Comprehensive state university ~ 15,000 students (13 academic departments [8 chairs hired during my tenure]; 2 academic programs reporting directly to College; 5 Centers [Center for Integrative Natural Science and Mathematics, Institute for Freedom Studies, Latino and Multicultural Center for Community Development; Kentucky Center for Mathematics; Center for Applied Ecology]); Budget in excess of $27M; approximately 300 Full-time faculty; 275 part time faculty; roughly 5000 majors. As Dean, served on President’s Cabinet, Academic Advising Council, and Council of Deans.
Major Initiatives and accomplishments during my tenure as Dean
- Developed and launched new academic department--World Languages and Literatures
- Launched new MA in English; BA in German, BA in Statistics; Approval of new MA in Public History
- Led initiative to revamp interdisciplinary program, both graduate and undergraduate (changed program name from Liberal Studies to Integrative Studies to reflect modification)—enrollment growth over 40% during my tenure
- Expanded offerings for adult learners; expanded course/program offerings online
- Supported development of articulation agreements with two-year institutions
- Created staff position in Instructional Design; initiated Faculty Learning Community resulting in increase in high quality online and web-enhanced offerings
- Created new College award (“Spark”) to recognize commitment, innovation, and creativity among faculty and staff
- Re-initiated College Board of Visitors
- Successfully completed external accreditation--including site visits (ABET: Engineering Technology; NASM: Music Department)
- Developed collaborative relationships with two universities in Mexico (University of Zacatecas; ITESSO)
Campus and Community Service at NKU (Selected examples)
- NKU Internationalization Task Force
- NKU Retention Planning Committee (Strategically Aligning for Student Success)
- Community Engagement Planning Committee (Strategically Helping Align for Public Engagement)
- Presidential Advisory Committee on Efficiencies and Savings (PACES)
- Strategic Enrollment Planning Leadership Team
- Vice President for Student Affairs Search (chair)
- Dean of College of Education and Human Services Search (chair)
- General Education Exploratory Committee (chair)
- SOAR Advisory Board—scholarship and mentoring program targeting underrepresented groups in STEM disciplines
- NKU Outstanding Advisor Award Committee (chair—3 years)
- Foundations of Excellence—All Student Dimension (co-chair)
- Board Member, Bridges for a Just Community non-profit (Greater Cincinnati); Transition Core Leadership Team (chair); Strategic Planning Committee (chair)
2005-2006 - American Council on Education Fellow, Northern Kentucky University (NKU) --James C. Votruba, Mentor
As part of longest running national leadership development program, worked closely with President and Provost at NKU. Participated in wide range of activities with leadership team both on and off campus— including Executive Team participation, on campus and community activities, and legislative meetings.
Primary focus: Civic Engagement (active participant in University Committee designed to align resources to enhance public engagement--SHAPE) and strategic planning; visited approximately 20 2- and 4-year institutions in US, Mexico, and South Africa.
1999-2006 - Department Head, Psychology, University of Cincinnati, McMicken College of Arts and Sciences
Chief Academic and Financial Officer of Academic department with 32 faculty (plus 6 cross-appointed faculty), and four support staff; more than 40 faculty with adjunct titles, in addition to approximately 20 part time adjunct instructors. Department also had cooperative agreements with multiple community agencies--providing funding and training for graduate students, and internship experiences for undergraduates. The department had over 500 undergraduate majors, and approximately 80 Ph.D. students (the largest or second largest in the College in each category).
Major Initiatives and accomplishments during my tenure as Department Head at Cincinnati
- Provided College-wide leadership in the development of online courses
- Initiated job fair for undergraduates, involving employers and Psychology majors
- Increased number of undergraduate majors by 20% in two years though plan to integrate students from a unit that was being discontinued
- Developed and launched (with Philosophy) interdisciplinary program in Brain and Mind Studies Developed plans for interdisciplinary Neuroscience program (with Department of Biological Sciences, Philosophy, and College of Medicine; implemented after my departure)
Campus and Community Service (representative examples)
- UC|21 Academic Planning Committee
- College Technology Committee (chair)
- College Governance Committee (chair)
- Maternal and Child Health LEND (Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities) Advisory Committee
- Strategic Planning Committee, Sycamore Community Schools
- Leadership Cincinnati (Class XXVIII)
- Leadership Cincinnati Steering Committee (Diversity Subcommittee), Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce
1999 - Director of Clinical Training, Department of Psychology, University of Cincinnati
Director of American Psychological Association-accredited program in clinical psychology. Served eight months before becoming Department Head. Worked with Department Head to oversee administration of Clinical Psychology Doctoral program; member of the department’s Advisory Committee; managed collaborative process of revising program curriculum.
1992-1998 - Coordinator, Psychological Services, Clinical Center, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale (SIUC)
Coordinator of counseling, assessment, and other psychological services for a campus-based community serving clinic–which provided training for students in Psychology, Education, Counseling, Rehabilitation, Social Work, Communication Disorders, and Physical Therapy Assistant programs. As a unit reporting directly to the Provost, our primary missions were training and research. There were over 120 students providing services in any given academic term within my service/training area. In a typical year, we served several thousand clients–typically, low income rural adults and children--who paid for their services on a sliding fee scale.
Major Initiatives and accomplishments during my tenure
- Initiated multi-disciplinary Family Therapy program
- Initiated provision of supervised emergency coverage
- Developed and initiated systematic assessment process for learning disabilities
- Initiated and coordinated cooperative program with Carbondale Women’s Center.
1991-1992 - Interim Director of Clinical Training, Department of Psychology, SIUC
Served as one year sabbatical replacement. Worked in collaboration with Department Chair to oversee operation of clinical psychology doctoral program–including scheduling courses, evaluating student progress, and assigning teaching assistants; coordinated communication with outside agencies.
Coordinated outcome assessment processes in both 1992 and 1998 in anticipation of accreditation self- study and site visit by American Psychological Association.
1987-1988 - Interim Director of Clinical Training and Director of Clinic, Department of Psychology, University of Idaho.
Served one year as a sabbatical replacement. Oversaw the operation of both the Master’s program and the community clinic. Coordinated evaluation of graduate students and assignment of students to external placements and teaching assistantships within the department.
Academic positions (Faculty)
2013 - Professor, Department of Psychology, Oakland University
2006- 2013 - Professor, Department of Psychological Science, Northern Kentucky University
2001-2006 - Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Cincinnati
1999-2001 - Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Cincinnati
1988-1998 - Assistant--Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Southern Illinois University
1984-1988 - Assistant Professor, University of Idaho, Department of Psychology;
Offices held and service for professional associations as faculty member:
- State Representative (Idaho), APA Division 43 (Family Psychology; 1987-88)
- Book Review Board, The Family Psychologist (1989-93)
- Program Committee, Southeastern Psychological Association (1995, 1997, 1999, 2001)
- Contributing Editor, Psychological Assessment (1996-97)
- Editorial Consultant, Psychotherapy (1997- 2000)
(Publications since 1991 listed; 12 publications prior to 1991—references available on request)
Corcoran, K.J., & Thomas, L.R. (1991). The influence of observed alcohol consumption on perceptions of initiation of sexual activity in a college dating situation. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 21, 500-507.
Corcoran, K.J. (1991). Efficacy, "skills", reinforcement, and choice behavior. American Psychologist, 46, 155-157.
Corcoran, K.J., & Parker, P.S. (1991). Alcohol expectancy questionnaire tension reduction scale as a predictor of alcohol consumption in a stressful situation. Addictive Behaviors, 16, 129-137.
Mooney, D.K., & Corcoran, K.J. (1991). Personal and perceived peer alcohol expectancies: Their influence on alcohol consumption. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 5, 85-94.
Schwerin, M.J., & Corcoran, K.J. (1992). What do people think of male steroid users? An experimental investigation. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 22, 833-840.
Corcoran, K.J., & Segrist, D.J. (1992). In search of an alternative placebo: Estimating alcohol content of non-alcoholic, light and regular beer. Addictive Behaviors, 18, 259-262.
Corcoran, K.J., & Segrist, D.J. (1993). Personal expectancies and group influences affect alcoholic beverage selection: The interaction of personal and situational variables. Addictive Behaviors, 18, 577-582.
Dollinger, S.J., Rhodes, K.A., & Corcoran, K.J. (1993). Photographically portrayed identities, alcohol expectancies, and excessive drinking. Journal of Personality Assessment, 60, 522-531.
Corcoran, K.J. (1994). Predicting reduction in tension following alcohol consumption in a stressful situation with the Alcohol Expectancy Questionnaire. Addictive Behaviors, 19, 57-62.
Scronce, C.A., & Corcoran, K.J. (1995). The influence of the victim's consumption of alcohol on perceptions of stranger and acquaintance rape. Violence Against Women, 1, 241-253.
Corcoran, K.J. (1995). Cognitive and situational factors predict alcoholic beverage selection. Addictive Behaviors, 20, 525-532.
Corcoran, K.J. (1995). Understanding cognition, choice, and behavior. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 26, 201-207.
Schwerin, M.J., & Corcoran, K.J. (1996). A Multimethod examination of the male anabolic steroid user.
Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 26, 211-217.
Schwerin, M.J., Corcoran, K.J., Fisher, L., Patterson, D., Askew, W., Olrich, T., & Shanks, S. (1996). Social physique anxiety, body esteem, and social anxiety in bodybuilders and self-reported anabolic steroid users. Addictive Behaviors, 21, 1-8.
Corcoran, K.J. (1996). The influence of gender, expectancy, and partner beverage selection on (meta) perception in a "blind" date situation. Addictive Behaviors, 21, 461-467.
Corcoran, K.J. (1996). Teaching family concepts through case study: Useful examples. The Family Journal, 4, 165-170.
Schwerin, M.J., & Corcoran, K.J. (1996). Beliefs about steroids: User vs. non-user comparisons. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 40, 221-225.
Kisler, V.A., & Corcoran, K.J. (1997). Effects of negative outcome on food consumption in college women with and without troubled eating patterns. Addictive Behaviors, 22, 461-467.
Schwerin, M.J., Corcoran, K.J., LaFleur, B.J., Fisher, L., Patterson, D., Olrich, T. (1997). Psychological predictors of anabolic steroid use. Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse, 6(2), 57-68.
Corcoran, K.J. (1997), The influence of personality, cognition, and behavior on perceptions and metaperceptions following alcoholic beverage selection in a dating situation. Addictive Behaviors, 22, 577-585.
Corcoran, K.J., & Michels, J.L. (1997). What will you think of me if I drink with you? Situational influences on metaperceptions. Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse, 7, 75-86.
Schwerin, M.J., & Corcoran, K.J. (1998). Discriminant analysis of medical care use among shipboard U.S. Navy men and women. Military Psychology, 10, 127-158.
Corcoran, K.J., & Michels, J.L. (1998). A prototype analysis of psychological situations through the lens of alcohol expectancies and gender. Addictive Behaviors, 23, 685-691.
Corcoran, K.J., & Michels, J.L. (1998). Interpersonal perception and alcohol expectancies predict beverage selection in opposite sex dyadic interactions. Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse, 7, 75-86.
Rubenzahl, S.A., & Corcoran, K.J. (1998). The prevalence of male perpetrators of acquaintance rape: New research methodology reveals new findings. Violence Against Women.
Corcoran, K.J., & Segrist, D.J. (1998). Fear of negative evaluation and gender interact to predict alcoholic beverage preference. Addictive Behaviors
Corcoran, K.J. (1999). Sexual aggression and sociocultural risk. American Psychologist.
Corcoran, K.J., & Michels, J.M. (1999). Interpersonal attraction and alcohol expectancies predict beverage selection in opposite sex dyadic interactions. Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse, 9, 29-38.
Armstrong, T.G., Heideman, G., Corcoran, K.J., Fisher, B., Medina, K.L., & Schafer, J. (2001).
Disagreement about the occurrence of male-to-female intimate partner violence: A qualitative study. Family & Community Health, 24, 55-75.
Tran, G.Q., Rofey, D., Corcoran, K.J., & Mueller, M. (2002). Situation specific drinking and alcohol expectancies of binge drinkers with high and low social anxiety. Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research, 26, (suppl), 24.
Hagan, M.M., Shuman, E.S., Oswald, K.D., Corcoran, K.J., Proffit, J.H., Blackburn, K., Schwiebert, M.W., Chandler, P.C., Birbaum, M.C. (2002). Incidence of chaotic eating behaviors in binge-eating disorder: Contributing factors. Behavioral Medicine, 28, 99-105.
Rofey, D.L., Corcoran, K.J., & Tran, G.Q. (2004). Bulimic symptoms and mood predict food relevant Stroop interference in women with troubled eating patterns. Eating Behaviors, 5, 35-45.
Tran, G.Q., Anthenelli, R., Smith, J., Corcoran, K.J., & Rofey, D.L. (2004). Alcohol Use, Cognitive Correlates of Drinking, and Change Readiness in Hazardous Drinkers with High versus Low Social Anxiety.
Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 5, 35-45.
Sparks, S., Corcoran, K.J., Nabors, L., & Hovanitz, C. (2005). Subjective well-being and job satisfaction in nurses. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 35, 922-938.
Medina, K.L., Shear, P.K., Corcoran, K.J. (2005). Ecstasy (MDMA) exposure and neuropsychological functioning: A polydrug perspective. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 11, 753-765.
Rofey, D.L., Corcoran, K.J., & Kavanagh, G.J. (2006). Alcohol Expectancy and Gender Predict Alcohol Relevant Stroop Interference. Journal of Addictive Disorders and their Treatment, 5, 173-178.
Minnich, L., Howe, S., Langmeyer, D., and Corcoran, K. (2006). Can community change be measured for an outcomes‐based initiative? A comparative case study of the Success by 6 Initiative. American Journal of Community Psychology 38: 183‐190.
Segrist, D.J., Corcoran, K.J., Jordan-Fleming, M.K., & Rose, P. (2007). Yeah, I drink…but not as much as other guys: The majority fallacy among male adolescents. North American Journal of Psychology, 9(2), 207-320.
Rofey, D.L., Kisler-van Reede, V., Landsbaugh, J., & Corcoran, K.J. (2007). Perceptions and metaperceptions of same-sex social interactions in college women with disordered eating patterns. Body Image, 4, 61-68.
Rofey, D.L., Corcoran, K.J., Nabors, L., Tran, G.Q., & Matthews, G., (2007). Demand on mental workload: Relation to cue reactivity and craving in women with disordered eating and problematic drinking. Addiction Research & Theory. 15, 189-203.
Hove, M.C., & Corcoran, K. J. (2008). Educational Technologies: Impact on Learning and Frustration,
Teaching of Psychology, 35, 121-125.
Hove, M. C., & Corcoran, K. J. (2008). If You Post It, Will They Come? Lecture Availability in Introductory Psychology, Teaching of Psychology, 35, 91-95.
Meyers, D., Berling, V. & Corcoran, K.J. (2012). Creating a new future: Recruiting and retaining non- traditional students. Metropolitan Universities: An International Forum. 23(1), 41-58.
Corcoran, K.J., & Mooney, D.K. (2015). Leadership for innovation through the lens of the psychological situation. Journal of Leadership Studies. 9 (3), 88-89.
External Grants
Tran, G.Q. (Principal Investigator); Corcoran, K.J. (Investigator). Brief Intervention for Socially Anxious Alcohol Abusers. Grant funded by the National Institutes on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (2004- 2007—total direct costs: $393,000)
Corcoran, K.J. (2010-Principal Investigator). Portfolios Program to Understand Financial Risk Management and Decision Making. Grant funded by State Farm Insurance (total direct costs--
Papers and Presentations at Scholarly Meetings: (Note: Only references to papers presented at professional meetings since 2002 are listed. Prior to 2002, presented 90 papers at scholarly meetings– references available on request)
Corcoran, K.J., & Michels, J.L. (2002, March). Alcohol expectancies and fear of negative evaluation predict drinking in a dyadic situation. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Southeastern Psychological Association, Orlando, FL.
Michels, J.L., & Corcoran, K.J. (2002, March). Measuring Neuroticism briefly. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Southeastern Psychological Association, Orlando, FL.
Rofey, D.L., Shuman, E., & Corcoran, K.J. (2002, April). Internal consistency of the EDI-2 for a diverse population. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy for Eating Disorders, Boston, MA.
Tran, G., Rofey, D., Corcoran, K., & Muller, M. (2002, June). Situation-specific drinking and alcohol expectancies of binge drinkers with high and low social anxiety. Poster presented at annual meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, San Francisco, CA.
Rofey, D. L., Corcoran, K. J., & Birbaum, M.C. (August, 2002). Alcohol expectancy and gender predict alcohol relevant Stroop interference. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Segrist, D.J., & Corcoran, K.J. (2002, August). Self-Attributes Questionnaire: A Promising Measure of Adolescents' Self-Esteem. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Beck, C.W., & Corcoran, K.J. (2002, August). Prototype Analysis of Social and Isolated Drinking Situations.
Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Corcoran, K.J. (2002, August). Taking a Drink: Preference for Alcohol in a Dyadic Interaction. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Birbaum, M.C., & Corcoran, K.J. (2002, August). Gender and Social Role Violations Affect Punishment of DUI Offenders. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Segrist, D.J., & Corcoran, K.J. (2002, August). Yeah, I Drink...but Not As Much As Norm. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Gunn, D.V., Nelson, W.T., Bolia, R.S., Warm, J.S., Schumsky, D.A., & Corcoran, K.J. (2002, October).
Target acquisition with UAV's: Vigilance displays and advanced cueing interfaces. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Baltimore, MD.
Helton, W.S., Warm, J.S., Matthews, G., Corcoran, K.J., & Dember, W.N. (2002, October), Further tests of an abbreviated vigilance task: Effects of signal salience and jet aircraft noise on performance efficiency and stress. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Baltimore MD.
Tran, G.Q., Smith, J.P., Rofey, D.L., & Corcoran, K.J. (2002, November). Social anxiety and alcohol use problems in college drinkers. In C.L. Randall and G.Q. Tran (Co-Chairs), Comorbidity of social anxiety disorder and alcohol use disorders: A lifespan approach to preventative interventions. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy.
Rofey, D.L., Corcoran, K.J., & Tran, G.Q. (2002, November). Food expectancy and negative mood predict food relevant Stroop interference in individuals with bulimic symptoms. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy.
Mooney, D.K., & Corcoran, K.J. (2003, August). ―Walking the talk in daily life: A linguistic inquiry. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, ON.
Kavanagh, G., & Corcoran, K.J. (2003, August). TCU Depression and decision-making scales: norms and nomological net. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, ON.
Wernke, J.Y., & Corcoran, K.J. (2003, August). Stereotypes of Single Persons: Perceptions of Single versus Married Targets. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, ON.
Birbaum, M.C., & Corcoran, K.J. (2003, August). Asynchronous pedagogy. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, ON.
Rofey, D.L., McManus, J., Rogers, C.M., Gray, B., Byczkowski, K., Westfall, D., Steele, J., Kavanagh, G., Corcoran, K.J., Birbaum, M.C., & Wernke, J. (2003 November). Carbohydrate craving in women with and without troubled eating patterns. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Ohio Psychological Association, Columbus, Ohio.
Rofey, D.L., Matthews, V.K., Gazzolo, S., Shuman, E., Corcoran, K.J., & Schwiebert, M. (2004, April). Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Women with Binge Eating Disorder. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy for Eating Disorders, Orlando, FL.
Kavanagh, G.J., Corcoran, K.J., Lisdahl-Medina, K., Shear, P.K., & Wernke, J.Y. (2004, August). Welcome to the Party: Ecstasy Use in College Students. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI.
Mooney, D.K., & Corcoran, K.J. (2004, August). Envisioning the Mission in New University Employees: A Linguistic Inquiry. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI.
Corcoran, K.J., Kavanagh, G.J., & Wernke, J.Y. (2004, August). Hurt Proneness: Exploring the Neglected Emotion. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI.
Kavanagh, G.J., Corcoran, K.J., & Wernke, J.Y. (2005, August). Further Validation of the Short Self- Regulation Questionnaire. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.
Rofey, D., Corcoran, K.J., Tran, G.Q., Nabors, L., & Matthews, G. (2005, November). Demand on mental workload: Relation to cue reactivity and craving in women with disordered eating and problematic drinking. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Associate for Advancement of Behavior therapy, Washington, D.C.
Behr, M. & Corcoran, K.J. (2006, April). Engaging leaders, engaging faculty: How do we get there from here? Paper presented at Western Regional Campus Compact Continuums of Service Conference, Bellevue, WA.
Beere, C.A., & Corcoran, K.J. (2006, April). Leadership in Language: Developing Shared Meaning in Public Engagement. Paper presented at Western Regional Campus Compact Continuums of Service Conference, Bellevue, WA
Corcoran, K.J., Beere, C.A., & Stevens, M. (2006, April). Understanding leadership at all levels in civic engagement. Paper presented at Western Regional Campus Compact Continuums of Service Conference, Bellevue, WA.
Tran, G.Q, Smith, J.P., & Corcoran, K.J. (2007, November). Development and Pilot Outcome Data for Brief Intervention for Socially Anxious Drinkers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Boston, MA.
Lively, M., Zachary, S.J., & Corcoran, K.J. (2008, January). Exiting the Educational Silo and Entering the Global Freeway: A Model. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U), Washington, DC.
Corcoran, K.J. (2008, October). Metropolitan Universities and the ―creative class‖: Challenges and opportunities. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities (CUMU), Cincinnati, OH.
Corcoran, K.J. (2008, November). Distance Learning: Issues of Faculty Development and Quality Control.
Paper presented at the annual meeting of Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences (CCAS), Portland, OR.
Corcoran, K.J. (2008, November). Skills for life: LEAPing beyond the Ivory tower with non-traditional students. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences (CCAS), Portland, OR.
Corcoran, K.J. (2008, November). Deans’ Response: Promotion and tenure issues relating to engagement.
(2009, November). Presented at the annual Kentucky Engagement Conference, Lexington, KY. Corcoran, K.J. (2009, November). Doing more with less. Presented at the annual meeting of Council of
Colleges of Arts and Sciences (CCAS), Baltimore, MD.
Corcoran, K.J. (2009, November). Strategic Academic Partnerships. Presented at the annual meeting of Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences (CCAS), Baltimore, MD.
Corcoran, K.J. (2009, November). Engaged to be educated: Value laden or value free? Presented at the annual Kentucky Engagement Conference, Erlanger, KY.
Corcoran, K.J. & Lively, M. (2010, November). It takes a campus (and more) to enhance online education: A lesson in organizational change. Presented at Sloan-C International Conference on Online Learning, Orlando, FL.
Corcoran, K.J. & Crickmer, S. (2011, May). University-entrepreneur partnership to enhance high school student personal financial literacy. Presented at the International Institute on Partnerships. Portland, OR.
Corcoran, K.J. (2011, October). General Education: Are CUMU institutions preparing students for life and work in our communities? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities (CUMU). Indianapolis, IN.
Corcoran, K.J., Berling, V., & Meyers, D. (2011, October). Creating a new future: Recruiting and retaining non-traditional students. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities. Indianapolis, IN.
Corcoran, K.J., & Derwin, E.B. (2011, November). It doesn’t “just happen”: Institutional alignment at Every Level Yields Optimal Online Learning. Paper presented at Sloan-C International Conference on Online Learning, Orlando, FL.
Meyers, D., Berling, V., & Corcoran, K.J. (October, 2012). Using Websites to Increase Online Learner Satisfaction. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities (CUMU). Chattanooga, TN.
Corcoran, K.J., Burr, I., Koch, M., & Robertson, A. (October, 2012). Success and the first year student: Understanding individual and institutional factors. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities. Chattanooga, TN.
Corcoran, K.J., Barrett, J., Crickmer, S., & Crickmer, S. (October, 2012). University-School-Entrepreneurial partnership: Enhancing middle school mathematics education through an engaging financial simulation. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities (CUMU). Chattanooga, TN.
Herschede, K. & Corcoran, K.J. (2013, October). National Data and CUMU Institutions: Using Meaningful Peer Groups and Data to Improve Student Success. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities. Louisville, KY.
Barber, A., & Corcoran, K.J. (2013, October). Creating Growth in Metropolitan Areas through Providing Opportunities for Diversity and Adult Education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities. Louisville, KY.
Corcoran, K.J., (2013, November). To Internationalize or not to Internationalize? Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Jacksonville, FL.
Corcoran, K.J. (2014, October). Encouraging community engagement: What’s a dean (or chair) to do? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities, Syracuse, NY.
Corcoran, K.J. (2014, November). Changing Demographics: Are we serving the students we have? Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences, San Antonio, TX.
Corcoran, K.J. (2014, November). “Skating where the puck will be”: Preparing for the future of higher education . Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences, San Antonio, TX.
Corcoran, K.J. (2015, October). Strategic Planning in a Metropolitan Context. Panel presented at the annual meeting of the Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities, Omaha, NE.
Corcoran, K.J. (2015, October). Building a university-community partnership during times of change. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities, Omaha, NE
Corcoran, K.J., Barnes, R., & Lachance, M. (2015, November). On the road to the Engaged Campus: Three campuses, three stories. Panel presented at the annual meeting of the Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Washington, D.C.
Corcoran, K.J. (2016, April). Planning for the engaged campus. Keynote presentation at the North Central regional meeting of the Society of College and University Planners. Rochester, MI.
Corcoran, K.J., & Maxfield, C.R. (2016, October). Dancing without stepping on one another's toes: Challenges and opportunities in campus-community partnership. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities, Washington, DC.
Lee, T.M., Corcoran, K.J., Njogu, W., & Peters, S. (2016, November). Advice for New Deans. Panel presented at the annual meeting of the Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences, San Diego, CA.
Corcoran, K.J., Gannon, T., Kimble, T., Wood, M., Gladney, S., & Langdon, H. (2017, October). We love our university partners, but sometimes they drive us crazy. Panel of community partners from across U.S. presented at the annual meeting of the Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities, Denver, CO.
Corcoran, K.J., Johnson, P.S., & Long, K.M. (2017, November). How to Make Good Work Last: Sustainability Through Leadership. Panel presented at the annual meeting of the Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Denver, CO.
Lee, T.M., Corcoran, K.J., & Kavran, E. (2017, November). Advice for New Deans. Panel presented at the annual meeting of the Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Denver, CO.
Corcoran, K.J. (2018, October). It’s a matter of trust with us! Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities, Chicago, IL.
Corcoran, K.J., Barnes, R., Martin Long, K., & Graves, K. (2018, November). Leading through crisis: Resilience and progress. Panel presented at the annual meeting of the Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Chicago, IL.
Lee, T.M., Corcoran, K.J., & Kavran, E. (2018, November). Seminar for New Deans. Panel presented at the annual meeting of the Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Chicago, IL.
Corcoran, K.J., & Baldwin, D.C. (2021, November). Necessity is the mother of invention: Rethinking resources in the face of a crisis. Paper presented (virtually) at Meeting of Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities.
Book Reviews
Corcoran, K.J. (1990). Changing Expectations. The Family Psychologist. 6 (3), 46-47.
Corcoran, K.J. (1991). Merging intrapersonal and interpersonal models of family communication. The Family Psychologist. 7, (2), 50.
Corcoran, K.J. (1991). Effective supervision. The Family Psychologist, 7(4), 46-47.
Corcoran, K.J. (1992). Voices in Family Psychology. The Journal of Family Psychotherapy, 3, 111-112. Corcoran, K.J. (1992). How people change. Psychotherapy, 29, 688.
Corcoran, K.J. (1993). Removing roadblocks: Group psychotherapy with substance abusers and family members. Psychotherapy, 30, 371.
Corcoran, K.J. (1993). Transgenerational Family Therapy. Psychotherapy, 30, 539.
Corcoran, K.J. (1997). Breaking free of managed care: A step-by-step guide to regaining control of your practice. Psychotherapy, 34, 336-337.
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