Religious Studies Concentration
This concentration offers a structured program of study that explores and examines the human religious experience, both in terms of its fundamental ideas as well as pervasive practice. While a number of methods and disciplines common to the liberal arts tradition are employed throughout the various courses offered, particular focus typically is given to the historical, literary, and cultural dimensions of religious expression. This concentration may not be taken conjointly with one of the religious studies minors (Christianity studies, Islamic studies, or Judaic studies). However, it may be taken conjointly as part of a modified major (24 credits) in philosophy or with a full major in any other department of College of Arts and Sciences.
Students wishing to make religion the focus of an independent major should contact the program director ([email protected]) for further information. A minimum of 28 credits is required for the concentration in religious studies distributed as follows:
- Either - REL 1100 or REL 1850 (4 credits)
- Core studies - Two of the following from REL 3140, 3410 or 3750 (8 credits)
- Field related studies - Four courses in at least three of the following five fields (16 credits):
Art: AH 1003, AH 3110, AH 3220, AH 3230
History: HST 3290, HST 3320, HST 3345, HST 3540; REL 3900
Literature: ENG 3650/REL 3740, ENG 3660
Philosophy: PHL 2210, PHL 3150/REL 3120; PHL 3155/REL 3150
Social Science: PSY 4974 (only when special topic is Religion), AN 3123/REL 3640, SOC 3420/REL 3400
Read more in the Undergraduate Catalog.
Religious Studies / Center for Religious Understanding