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Center for Data Science and Big Data Analytics

A collaborative research forum for multiple units within Oakland University, the Center for Data Science and Big Data Analytics facilitates multidisciplinary data science research that uses big data analytics techniques. The center combines the expertise of scientists from biological and biomedical sciences, and researchers in mathematics/statistics, engineering, business and finance. These experts use cutting-edge analytics, informatics and computing methodologies to conduct research and develop innovative solutions to address high-impact problems across disciplines. In addition to serving as a research center emphasizing quantitative data based research in various disciplines, the experts in this center work with researchers from other disciplines by providing them with analytic support. Experts from this center are also available to consult with external industries and businesses.

The research focus of this center is on healthcare operations analytics, industrial and financial analytics, genome and evolutionary biology research, sensor networks and the internet of things. The center and its faculty researchers also partner closely with industry and other institutions to address current and trending issues.

Healthcare Operations Analytics

Traditional healthcare analytics involves using patient as well as operational data to conduct statistical and quantitative analysis, build explanatory and predictive models, and fact-based management to drive healthcare decisions and actions. It is broadly concerned with the use, study, creation or synthesis of information artifacts such as databases, knowledge bases, mathematical/statistical models, data integration and transformation tools and entire decision support systems.

The primary aim of healthcare analytics is to improve managerial decision making through access to better information. However, the amount of medical data generated and the heterogeneity of that data makes traditional analytics inefficient particularly given the fact that much of the data is non-numerical. For example, notes written by physicians and nurses, images, and videos contain valuable information that need to be factored into the analysis. However, current tools do not have adequate mechanisms to integrate different types of data.

As part of this research stream, the center would focus on developing an infrastructure for acquiring, integrating and analyzing the healthcare data to support decision making.

Anticipated Outputs:

  • Architecture for healthcare data acquisition and integration from disparate sources
  • Privacy preserving data analytics methods
  • Proof of concept prototype demonstration
Industrial Analytics

With auto industry and its primary and secondary supplier industries around, there are streams of big datasets that await the analysis. While larger companies have some sort of technical research centers, albeit inadequate for the purpose, smaller industries completely lack resources or manpower to handle their big data. The Center for Data Science and Big Data Analytics at Oakland University would act as a bridge between different disciplines and industries and provide analytics services.

Anticipated Outputs:

  • Collaboration with auto and other allied industry on research problems of shared interests.
  • A university based consulting service center guiding the auto industry with statistical experimentation, data analytics and quantitative methods.
  • Develop short training programs in quantitative data analysis for local and national industries.
  • Develop student internship programs in collaboration with industries.
Financial Analytics

This research stream focuses on using the multivariate and Bayesian methods in big data problems with special reference to finance. These datasets are huge, over thousands of stocks, mutual funds, Exchange traded funds and other financial instruments and are collected over years at the intervals of day, hour or minute and even at further higher frequencies. The sheer volume of data on various financial instruments and indexes collected over years on per minute frequency or on per stock price change (commonly called tick) basis and the interconnectedness of various stock price changes thereof pose a great challenge. The complexity is further compounded by events such as stock splits, mergers, stocks leaving the space as some companies die and new stocks entering the space as new companies are formed. The challenges of studying the market behavior or predictions can only be handled by looking at the data together rather than doing so on per stock basis. Such correlated data can be analyzed only through appropriate techniques and in view of the complexity of the data, these techniques are bound to be computer intensive. With Bayesian and Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods of modelling these data, new ways of analyzing these data would be developed. Further, such problems inevitably require special expertise, intensive computational power and special analytics. A specific objective of this research is the efficient and effective analysis of financial data.

Anticipated Outputs:

  • Development of new techniques which can reliably predict financial market behavior.
  • Development of techniques for statistical arbitrage- where one can make decision as to when and which financial instruments are going to perform better.
  • Providing the financial advice to outside firms.
  • Development of new courses – possibly cross listed between the department of mathematics and statistics and SBA and exploration of developing new degree or certificate programs.
Genome Research

This research stream focuses on studying/identifying gene mutations that lead to cardiovascular diseases. Specifically, this research will use mouse sensitized whole genome ENU mutagenesis screens to identify genes involved in the pathogenesis of several cardiovascular diseases including venous thromboembolism, heart attacks and other vascular occlusive diseases such as sickle cell anemia. The whole genome sequencing is used to identify the mutations, thus this research generates terabytes worth of genomic sequencing data per experiment. The high volume of genomic sequence data produced necessitates computationally intensive analyses and data storage. The Center for Data Science and Big Data Analytics aims to conduct cutting edge research in genomics and provide critical research and training opportunities for OU faculty and students.

Anticipated Outputs:

  • The cardiovascular genome research project will produce genes involved in cardiovascular diseases. This information will be used for the improved diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.
  • New methodologies for the analysis of whole genome sequencing data will likely be developed.
  • The proposed work will result in publications and applications for external funding.
  • Intellectual property is likely to be generated as a result of this work, enabling the university to gain the revenue necessary to provide funding for future research endeavors or centers.
Evolutionary Biology Research

This stream focuses broadly on fully computational evolutionary research using large datasets. It consists of two applied research areas supported by strong theoretical investigations. One of the major goals of this research is to explore evolution of life through phylogenetic trees, with special attention to evolution of early microbial life. It requires working with thousands of sequenced genomes that are obtained from available databases and reconstructing large evolutionary histories. The second goal of this stream of research is to explore the correlation between genotype and phenotype with particular attention to pathogenic species. This requires the use of fully sequenced genomes and of techniques to reconstruct past evolutionary steps (ancestral state reconstruction), which can be calculated by intense computational applications. Both these goals are supported by large-scale simulations that allow testing of the accuracy of obtained estimates within a controlled environment and the optimization of methodologies and software implementations. This research would greatly benefit from a venue in which expertise from other Big Data scientists could be tapped to design new and innovative ways to analyze/visualize data, and statistically evaluate the significance of the results.

Anticipated Outputs:

  • Accurate reconstruction of early stages of life to understand how microbial communities interact with large-scale environmental changes, such as those happening during early Earth's history.
  • Deciphering the elements within a genome that contribute to specific phenotypes, such as a pathogenic lifestyle. The focus will be on the agent of malaria (Plasmodium) because of the worldwide interest in this disease and the detailed genomic information available.
  • Theoretical support leading to the optimization of algorithms and software implementations as well as simulated datasets to explore the effect of multiple parameters and provide guidance to the scientific community on best practices for phylogenetic and genomic analyses.
Sensor Network Applications

Healthcare: For improving the quality of life, wireless and wired sensor network technologies are considered as one of the key research areas in computer science and healthcare application industries. The amount of data collected from patients in a region with many hospitals is huge and it grows every minute. Analysis of the sensor data (ECG, blood test results, ailments, treatment, allergy etc.) of a patient from the past few years and current value, identifying similar patients and comparison with their treatment and response is important for quality health care. Our research includes, design and development of small size, low power consuming and accurate digital sensors, collection of various data at appropriate interval, storing in the proper and secure format in large repositories, data mining algorithms, testing and implementation.

Internet of Things: Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical objects, devices, vehicles, buildings and other objects which are embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity. These objects collect and exchange data. At present, industries are developing IOT enabled objects like connecting front door locks to internet, garage door opener, refrigerator etc. to internet and every object possible. This evolution is pushed into us and we need to worry not only about security of this technology, but also the huge amount of data this generates every micro second. Some of the data generated by IOT devices need to be stored for historical reasons and for analysis of trend or behavior of the customer. Automotive manufacturers are moving towards connected cars. These cars will communicate with each other and also communicate with internet and store various data from the cars in a huge data base. The data base may be maintained separately by individual car company like GM, FORD etc. to analyze their car's performance under varying road, weather, and traffic conditions. This requires big data analytics.

Cloud based Manufacturing: In manufacturing plants, various machines are connected to internet and the sensor values from these machines are stored in the cloud with time stamp. This allows the study of behavior of machines, the status of these machines etc. The analysis is used for Condition based maintenance of the machines, product quality analysis, and downtime analysis to improve productivity. We do research on the Cloud based manufacturing and data analysis this big data.

Anticipated Outputs:

  • Our Sensor network research will enhance the Quality of health care and also provide faster response to save lives. The research will lead to journal publications and PhD awards.
  • The IOT research will be useful for enhancing security in embedded system, prevent ID theft, help prevent automotive accidents and traffic congestion. This is useful for Industries in Michigan and around the world. This research will lead to journal publications and PhD awards.


Vijayan Sugumaran Headshot

Vijayan Sugumaran, Ph.D.
Professor of Management Information Systems and Chair of the Department of Decision and Information Sciences in the School of Business Administration.

More information about Dr. Sugumaran

Vijayan Sugumaran is Distinguished Professor of Management Information Systems and Chair of the Department of Decision and Information Sciences at Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan, USA. He is also the Co-Director of the Center for Data Science and Big Data Analytics at Oakland University. He received his Ph.D. in Information Technology from George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA. His research interests are in the areas of Big Data Management and Analytics, Ontologies and Semantic Web, Intelligent Agent and Multi-Agent Systems. He has published over 250 peer-reviewed articles in Journals, Conferences, and Books. He has edited twenty books and serves on the Editorial Board of eight journals. He has published in top-tier journals such as Information Systems Research, ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Communications of the ACM, IEEE Transactions on Big Data, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, IEEE Transactions on Education, and IEEE Software. Dr. Sugumaran is the editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies. He is the Chair of the Intelligent Agent and Multi-Agent Systems mini-track for Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 1999–2021). Dr. Sugumaran has served as a Program Chair for the 14th Workshop on E-Business (WeB2015), the International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems (NLDB 2008, NLDB 2013, NLDB 2016, and NLDB 2019), the 29th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS 2018), the 14th Annual Conference of Midwest Association for Information Systems (MWAIS 2019), and the 5th IEEE International Conference on Big Data Service and Applications (BDS 2019). He also regularly serves as a program committee member for numerous national and international conferences.

Ravindra Khattree Headshot

Ravindra Khattree, Ph.D.
Professor of Statistics in the Mathematics and Statistics Department, College of Arts and Sciences.

More information about Dr. Khattree

Dr. Khattree received his Ph.D in statistics from the University of Pittsburg. He is a member of the Center for Biomedical Research at Oakland University. He is winner of the Young Statistician Award in 2002 given by the International Indian Statistical Association. He is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association, inducted in 2003. He is an elected Member of International Statistical Institute (elected in 2004). He is also the recipient of the 2008 Oakland University Research Excellence Award. Dr. Khattree's areas of interest are Multivariate Analysis, Experimental Designs, Statistical Quality Control, Biostatistics, Classification Problems, and Bioequivalence. Professor Khattree is a theoretical statistician who has developed modelling tools for evaluation and processing of large data and information systems and has published more than 80 peer-reviewed articles.

Founding Researchers

Fabia U. Battistuzzi Headshot

Fabia U. Battistuzzi, Ph.D.
Associate professor of Biological Sciences in the College of Arts and Sciences.

More information about Dr. Battistuzzi

Dr. Battistuzzi has 10+ years of experience in large evolutionary analyses. Her research group focuses on the evolution of microbial life with particular interests in early life and the origin of human pathogens. Since joining OU in 2012, she have started a strong research program involving undergraduate and graduate students that has been supported by OU funds, the Center for Biomedical Research, and the Michigan Space Grant Consortium. Additionally, a grant submitted to NASA to perform Big Data analyses has been recently selected. She has also been involved in many outreach activities in local school districts. With her research, teaching, and outreach activities her aim is to promote the importance of strong fundamentals in data analysis to high school, undergraduate, and graduate students with particular attention to women and minorities that are poorly represented groups in STEM. She believes that this center can create the necessary environment to provide faculty and students an opportunity to exchange ideas and learn from each other with practical research problems to solve. It will be an excellent first step to establish OU as one of the major players in data analysis in Michigan and will be a strong recruitment point for future talented faculty and students.

Joseph Callaghan Headshot

Joseph Callaghan, Ph.D.
Professor of Accounting in the School of Business Administration.

More information about Dr. Callaghan

Dr. Callaghan graduated from the University of Detroit-Mercy with a B.S. in Accounting and special joint J.D.-M.B.A. degrees. His doctorate is from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in Accountancy. Joe joined the OU faculty in 1989 from Michigan State University. In 1995 he was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure and in 2002 to Professor of Accounting. Professor Callaghan teaches in the Financial, Managerial and Accounting Information Systems (AIS) areas and integrates model-based application development in support of these disciplines. On behalf of the SBA, he has developed and incorporated advanced information technologies throughout the Accounting curriculum. His teaching interests are in the areas of Financial, Managerial, and Accounting Information Systems,. His research interests are Big Data Management, Medical, Systems, Financial Markets, and Valuation Methods.

Subramaniam Ganesan Headshot

Subramaniam Ganesan, Ph.D.
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering in the School of Engineering and Computer Science.

More information about Dr. Ganesan

Dr. Ganesan has over 30 years of teaching and research experience in Digital Computer systems. He was the chair of the CSE department from1991 to 98. He has published over 100 journal papers, more than 200 papers in conference proceedings, and 3 books. He published a book on Java in 2003. He developed a custom DSP board with software for his DSP book. He is a senior member of IEEE, IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Visiting Speaker, IEEE Region 4 technical activities member and Fellow of ISPE. He received Lifetime Achievement award from ISAM, Lloyd L. Withrow Distinguished Speaker award from SAE, Best Teacher award from ASEE, and Oakland University. He has organized many international conferences. He is the editor in chief of an International Journal of Embedded system and Computer Engineering and International journal of Sensors and applications. He is the session organizer on "Systems engineering" at SAE world congress for the past 15 years. His research interests are in Real time system, parallel architectures and computer systems, Automotive embedded systems security and signal processing.

Randal Westrick Headshot

Randal Westrick, Ph.D.
Associate professor of Biological Sciences in the College of Arts and Sciences.

More information about Dr. Westrick

Dr. Westrick has 20 years of expertise in hemostasis and vascular biology research as a technician, graduate student, postdoctoral fellow, and an assistant professor. His research group focuses on using mouse forward genetic screens combined with NextGen sequencing (NGS) to identify genes involved in cardiovascular disease. Thus, he has extensive experience in using Big biological datasets such as whole genome DNA and RNAseq data. He is also incorporating Big Data biomedical imaging into his cardiovascular disease studies. The approaches used in his research program make him uniquely qualified to successfully participate in the building of the OU Center for Data Science and Big Data Analytics. The emphasis that his laboratory places on cardiovascular disease based research will also enable development of collaborative research projects with the OUWB School of Medicine. Indeed, two medical students have already worked on research project in his lab. One student received the prestigious Howard Hughes Medical Institute Summer Medical Fellows program funding for his summer research experience and the other student will apply to similar programs during her tenure in the lab. In addition, during his 2.5 years at Oakland University he has trained 5 undergraduate, two Masters and one PhD student. All of them have attended short courses on Big Data analysis techniques and are excited about continuing to develop their expertise through the Center activities. His students have presented at national and international genetics and cardiovascular disease conferences and won numerous awards and procured their own independent funding.

The Center will hold events periodically to bring industry and academia together.

Upcoming Events

Interdisciplinary Applications of AI and Data Analytics

Register Now

Friday, March 14, 2025, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Janke Auditorium, Elliott Hall 234

Organized by NSF-NRT: DAMOS Program and SAS Institute

8:30 a.m. - Registration and refreshments

9:00 a.m. - SAS and Oakland University Partnership
Liz Moran, Director, Global Academic Programs, SAS Institute

9:15 a.m. – Welcome remarks: Charles C. Pierce, Dean, School of Business, Oakland University
Elaine Carey, Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, Oakland University

9:30 a.m. - NSF-NRT: Data Analytics in Multi-Omics Science (DAMOS) Program Update
Dr. Fabia Battistuzzi, Department of Biological Sciences, Oakland University

9:40 a.m. - Overview of SAS Platforms and Enabling Technologies
James Harroun, Manager, Software Development, SAS Institute

10:15 a.m. - Joint Modeling Under Competing Risks: An Application in Cancer
Dr. Ananda Sen, Department of Biostatistics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

10:50 a.m. - Break

11:05 a.m. - Transforming healthcare using AI-powered wearables
Dr. Meng Wang, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor

11:40 a.m. - Oakland University NRT Trainee Presentations:
Novellus Washington
Stephanie Peach
Hailey Naugle

12:25 p.m. - Poster Session and Lunch (provided)

1:30 p.m. - NRT Participants Presentations

From Gigabases to Insights: Data Science in Genomics
Walter Wolfsberger, Oakland University
Optimizing Type Censoring Plan Using Shannon Information Gain
Sukanya Das, Oakland University
Flood Risk Mapping in the Lower Rio Grande Valley Using Remote Sensing and Machine Learning,
Sumanth Kommathoti & Yahya Al Bustanji – Texas A & M University, Kingsville, Texas.

2:30 p.m. - Applications of AI and Data Science in Industry Dr. Farid Meziane, University of Derby, UK

3:05 p.m. – Break

3:15 p.m. Designing for Reliability: Algorithmic and Applied Perspectives on Trustworthy LLMs
Dr. Yao Qiang, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Oakland University

3:50 p.m. - AlphaFold: Revolutionizing Structural Biology with AI
Naresh Jasotani, AI Innovations Lead for Automotives, Google Detroit Office

4:25 p.m. - Closing remarks and Networking

4:30 p.m. - Adjourn

Workshop on Visual Analytics, ML & Open-Source Integration in SAS Viya for Learner and SAS Workbench for Learners

Saturday, March 15, 2025, 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Elliott Hall, Room 202

Presenters: James Harroun, SAS Institute, Dr. Vijayan Sugumaran, Oakland University
8:30 a.m. - Registration
9:00 a.m. - Session I: Visual Analytics and Machine Learning Models in SAS Viya
Noon - Lunch (provided)
1:15 p.m. - Session II: Open-Source Integration in SAS Workbench (R and Python)
4:15 p.m. - SAS Educational Opportunities for Students and Faculty
4:30 p.m. - Workshop Closing

Previous Events

November 2, 2024: SAS Training Workshop

SAS Training Workshop
Unlock the Power of SAS for Data Analysis

Workshop Overview:

SAS is a leading software tool widely used for data analysis in various fields such as statistics, biology, business, and economics. Organizations like Fortune 500 companies and hospitals utilize SAS for effective data management and analysis. This workshop is designed for both beginners and those looking to enhance their skills, providing a friendly introduction to SAS and essential statistical calculations.

Workshop Details:

  • Instructor: Ravindra Khattree
  • Date: November 2nd, 2024
  • Time: 10 a.m. – noon
  • Location: EH 202, Oakland University

Why Attend?

  • Gain hands-on experience with SAS.
  • Learn essential statistical techniques.
  • Ideal for beginners and researchers from various disciplines.

Event Highlights:

  • Introduction to SAS Software: Learn the basics of SAS and its diverse applications.
  • Hands-on Practice: Participate in exercises to become familiar with using SAS for data analysis.
  • Basic Statistical Calculations: Understand key statistical methods applicable in SAS.

Register Now for the SAS Training Workshop

Contact Information:

For any questions, please reach out via email: [email protected]

March 2024

Friday, March 8, 2024
Interdisciplinary Applications of AI and Data Analytics Symposium
8:30 a.m. to 3:40 p.m.
Oakland Center, Founders Ballroom A
Open to the public - Registration Required

The Center for Data Science and Big Data Analytics invites you to the symposium on Interdisciplinary Applications of AI and Data Analytics. The symposium is organized by the NSF NRT-DAMOS (Data Analytics in Multi-Omics Science) program at Oakland University and SAS Institute. Join in the discussions at this symposium about various applications of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Analytics in different domains.

Saturday, March 9, 2024
Workshop on Visual Analytics, ML & Open Source Integration in SAS Viya
8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Elliott Hall Room 202
Open to the public - Registration Required

At this hands-on workshop participants will work with SAS Viya for Learners, which is the educational version that is freely available to students and faculty.

RSVP by March 5.

Workshop: Data Analytics and Data Management Using SAS

Workshop: Data Analytics and Data Management Using SAS

The Center for Data Science and Big Data Analytics and the NSF NRT-DAMOS (Data Analytics in Multi-Omics Science) program at Oakland University invites you to a SAS introduction workshop. In this workshop, students will learn how to use SAS to input, output, organize and create data and how to apply various statistical and mathematical techniques for their data analyses without extensive coding.

SAS is a gold standard for scientific data analysis and data management. It is widely used worldwide by industries, businesses, research institutions, universities, hospitals, actuarial scientists, epidemiologists and social and biomedical scientists.

RSVP  by February 12, 2024. This workshop is open to the OU community. Registration is free, but required as seating is limited.
September 30, 2023: SAS Day: SAS Introduction Workshop

The Center for Data Science and Big Data Analytics at Oakland University invites you to a SAS introduction workshop. In this workshop, students will learn how to use SAS to input, output, organize and create data and how to apply various statistical and mathematical techniques for their data analyses without extensive coding.

SAS is a gold standard for scientific data analysis and data management. It is widely used worldwide by industries, businesses, research institutions, universities, hospitals, actuarial scientists, epidemiologists and social and biomedical scientists.

Friday, March 10, 2023: SAS Day: Analytics and Social Media

Elliott Hall Auditorium (Room 242)

8:30 a.m. - Registration and refreshments

9 a.m. - Welcome remarks

9:15 a.m. - SAS Global Academic Programs
Presenter: Linda Jordan, SAS Institute

9:45 a.m. - Fighting Fake News
Presenter: Fijoy Vadakkumpadan, SAS Institute

10:45 a.m. - Break

11 a.m. - Recommender Systems
Presenter: Gene Grabowski, SAS Institute

11:45 a.m. - Using Data Analytics to Inform State Policies: Assessing Performance Funding Effectiveness in Higher Education
Presenter: Douglas Carr, Department of Political Science, Oakland University

12:15 p.m. - Lunch (provided)

1:30 p.m. - Analytics Case Studies and Future Trends
Presenter: Scott Smith and Brandon Harrison, WIT Inc.

2:15 p.m. - Blockchain and Large Language Models
Presenter: Naresh Jasotani, Google Detroit Office

3 p.m. - Break

3:15 p.m. - Explainable AI
Presenter: Deepraj Chauhan, Miracle Software Systems

4:00 p.m. Closing remarks

4:15 p.m. - Networking Session

Saturday, March 11, 2023: SAS Day: Workshop on Visual Analytics, Machine Learning and Open Source Integration in SAS Viya

Elliott Hall, Room 202
Presenters: James Harroun, SAS Institute, Vijayan Sugumaran, Oakland University

8:30 a.m. - Registration

9 a.m. - Session I: Visual Analytics and Machine Learning Models in SAS Viya

Noon - Lunch (provided)

1 p.m. - Session II: Open Source Integration in SAS Viya (Python and R)

4 p.m. - Workshop Closing

Friday, January 20, 2023: Data Analytics and Data Management Using SAS: An Introduction

Noon to 2 p.m.
Elliott Hall Room 202

SAS is essentially a gold standard for scientific data analysis and data management. It is widely used worldwide by industries, businesses, research institutions, universities, hospitals, actuarial scientists, epidemiologists and social and biomedical scientists.

This workshop is useful for anyone dealing with data - big or small - for their research projects or for class homework. Students will learn how to input, output, organize and create data and how to apply various statistical and mathematical techniques for their data analyses without extensive coding.

Intended Audience: All researchers and students dealing with data.

Prerequisites: Familiarity with computers and Windows.

Friday, November 11, 2022: Introductory Training for the Matilda HPC Cluster at OU

Noon to 2 p.m.
Elliott Hall Room 223

The focus of this workshop is to train users on how to get an account created on the HPC cluster, accessing and running different software available on the cluster, data and file management, installing additional software and managing projects on the cluster. Basic training in using Unix/Linux environments will also be provided.

Saturday, March 19, 2022: SAS Day: Workshop on Visual Analytics, Machine Learning and Open Source Integration in SAS Viya

9:00 a.m. - 4:00p.m.
Elliott Hall, Room 202

The Center for Data Science and Big Data Analytics at Oakland University and SAS Inc. invite you to the workshop on AI and Deep Learning using SAS Viya. This workshop focuses on Visual Analytics and building machine learning models in SAS Viya. The Viya platform integrates many of the tools offered by SAS. Participants will be exposed to SAS Studio and Visual Analytics for building ML models such as decision trees and neural networks. Python and R integration within Viya will also be discussed.

This will be a hands-on workshop where participants will work with SAS Viya for Learners, which is the educational version that is freely available for students and faculty. The workshop will be conducted by James L. Harroun, Global Software Lead, SAS Institute, and Professor Vijayan Sugumaran, Co-Director of Center for Data Science and Big Data Analytics, School of Business Administration, Oakland University.


8:30 a.m. - Registration

9:00 a.m. - Session I: Visual Analytics and Machine Learning Models in SAS Viya

noon - Lunch (provided)

1:00 p.m. - Session II: Open Source Integration in SAS Viya (Python and R)

4:00 p.m. - Workshop Closing

Friday, November 19, 2021: Introductory Training for the New Computational Resource (Matilda HPC Cluster ) at OU

Presented by the Center for Data Science and Big Data Analytics and UTS
11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Elliott Hall Room 223

The focus of this workshop is to train users on how to get an account created on the HPC cluster, accessing and running different software available on the cluster, data and file management, installing additional software and managing projects on the cluster. Basic training in using Unix/Linux environments will also be provided.

Friday, October 2, 2020: SAS Day - Data Analytics and COVID-19 Pandemic

8:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.
Virtual Symposium


8:45 a.m. - Welcome Remarks
Vijayan Sugumaran, Department of Decision & Information Sciences, Oakland University
C. Michelle Piskulich, Interim Provost, Oakland University

8:50 a.m. - Comments from Oakland University President
Ora Hirsch Pescovitz, President, Oakland University

9 a.m. - Session 1: Moderator - Randall Westrick
Garbage in Garbage Out? Lessons from COVID-19 Antibody Testing, Pol-II CHIP and Orphan Pediatric Retinal Diseases
Kenneth P. Mitton, Eye Research Institute, Oakland University

9:30 a.m. - Medical Image Analytics in Light of COVID-19
Courtney Ambrozic, SAS Institute

10 a.m. - AI and Systematic Drug Repositioning for COVID-19
Aris Persidis, Biovista, Charlottesville, VA

10:30 a.m. - Session 2: OU Alumni Panel Discussion - Career Opportunities in Analytics
Mark Guthrie, Director IS&S and CIO, AM General, Auburn Hills, MI
Gene Grabowski, Principal Solutions Architect & Data Scientist, SAS Institute, Inc.
Avanti Tatiraju, Access Technology Analyst, Henry Ford Health System
Amy Siebert-McKenzie, Post-Doctoral Fellow, Blood Research Institute, Wisconsin

11:15 a.m. - Session 3: Moderator - Fabia Battistuzzi
Testing Northern Arizona Wastewater for Early Warning of COVID-19 Outbreaks
Crystal Hepp, Northern Arizona University

11:45 a.m. - Statistical Modeling for COVID-19 Pandemic
Bhramar Mukherjee, University of Michigan

12:15 p.m. - Role of AI and Deep Learning in mitigating COVID-19
Franz Salas, Naresh Jasotani, Google

12:45 p.m. - Ravindra Khattree, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Oakland University

Watch the sessions on the School of Business Administration's YouTube channel or request presentation videos or slides by emailing Dr. Sugumaran at [email protected] or Shannon Johnson at [email protected].

Saturday, October 3, 2020: SAS Hands-on Virtual Workshop

9 a.m. - noon


9 a.m. - Getting Started with SAS: A Point-and-Click Approach

Noon - James Harroun, SAS Institute
Workshop Closing Remarks

October 19, 2018: SAS Day: Analytics in Sciences

8:30 a.m. - Registration and refreshments

9 a.m. - Welcome remarks

9:30 a.m. - Modernized Machine Learning Pipelines: SAS® Visual Data Mining and Machine Learning on SAS® Viya
Presenter: Jesse Lubbert, SAS Institute

10:30 a.m. - Break

10:45 a.m. - Population Health Informatics
Presenter: Richard Kennedy, OU William Beaumont School of Medicine

11:45 a.m. - Lunch (provided)

1:15 p.m. - SAS Visual Analytics on SAS Viya: Data Visualization and Exploration as the Entry Point to Big Data Analytics
Presenter: James Harroun, SAS Institute

2:15 p.m. - Break

2:30 p.m. - Data Visualization and Story Telling
Presenter: Claudia Jurcan, General Motors

3:15 p.m. - Big Data & Data Science: What they are & how we use them
Presenter: Claire Gilbert, Gongos, Inc.

4 p.m. Closing remarks

October 20, 2018: SAS Workshop

8:30 a.m. - Registration

9 a.m. - SAS Kick Start (part 1)
Presenter: James Harroun, SAS Institute

Noon - Lunch (provided)

1 p.m. - SAS Kick Start (part 2)
Presenter: James Harroun, SAS Institute

5 p.m. - Closing remarks

Participants who complete both the morning and the afternoon sessions will receive a certificate of completion from SAS.

April 7, 2018: Introduction to Big Data Analyses and Applications workshop

Presented by the cross-disciplinary team comprised of Fabia U. Battistuzzi, Subramaniam Ganesan, Ravindra Khattree, Vijayan Sugumaran, Randy Westrick

9 - 10:15 Fundamentals of UNIX
10:30 - 11:45 SAS Analytics and Applications
11:45 - 1  Lunch (provided)
1 - 2:15 Bioinformatics and Genomics
2:30 - 3:45 Big Data Tools
3:45 - 4 Concluding Remarks

December 1, 2016: Strength in Numbers forum

Presentations for this event are available in PDF unless otherwise noted.


Center Goals and Objectives
Ravindra Khattree, Ph.D., Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Academic Presentations

Big data approaches in cardiovascular genomic research
Randal Westrick, Ph.D., Department of Biological Sciences,

Earth, genomes, and time: a big data approach to integrative evolutionary histories
Fabia U. Battistuzzi, Ph.D., Department of Biological Sciences

The Next Digital Revolution
Joseph Tan, Ph.D., McMaster University

Detecting the Different States of Emergency Events Using Web Resources
Vijayan Sugumaran, Ph.D., Decision & Information Sciences

IOT, Connected Cars and Big Data Analytics
Subramaniam Ganesan, Ph.D., Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Statistics of Leveraged Funds
Ravi Khattree, Ph.D., Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Industry Presentations

Big Data … Are you ready to change your corporate culture?
Chuck Brooks, Ph.D., VP of Reporting and Analytics, Comerica Bank,

FCA Advanced Analytics Overview (presentation not available)
Corey Hardcastle, Business Relationship Manager, Advanced Analytics, Fiat Chrysler Automotive

Analytics: A Practitioner's Perspective
Jason Harper, CEO, RXA

Real Time Data...A Strategic Imperative (presentation not available)
Jack Weiner, President, JW Healthcare Concepts

Closing Remarks
Seeking Industry Partnerships
Vijayan Sugumaran

OU professor travels to India, shares data science expertise through Fulbright Specialist program
September 28, 2022

Dr. Ravindra Khattree visited the Central University of Rajasthan (CURaj) in India to share his expertise in data science and analytics.

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Rochester, Michigan 48309-4486
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