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Jia Li, Ph.D.

Jia Li Headshot Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
422 EC ; (248) 370-2661; Fax: (248) 370-4633
[email protected]


2002, Ph.D., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
1998, M.S.E., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
1996, B.S., Peking University, Beijing, China.


  • Advanced Digital Signal Processing
  • Signal Detection and Estimation Theory
  • Random Signals and Processes
  • Digital Image Processing
  • Communication Systems
  • Principles of Digital Communications
  • Signals and Systems


Statistical Signal Processing with applications in biomedical imaging and communications. The current and past projects include image segmentation, reconstruction and registration of different imaging modalities, UWB channel modeling and capacity evaluation, and intra-vehicle wireless sensor network.

“(My) research is in the area of statistical signal processing with applications in biomedicine and communications. The extraction, modeling and analysis of signals or parameters from noisy measurements have broad range of practices in science and engineering, and in the industries of defense, finance, health care and telecommunications.” -Jia Li, 2013

Current Research Projects

  • Automatic Segmentation of 3D Ultrasonography for Fetal Growth Analysis
  • Tumor Dose Quantification Using I-131 SPECT
  • Channel Sounding for Ultra-Wideband Intra-Vehicle Communications
  • Prototyping Intra-vehicle Wireless Sensor Networks
  • Quantitative Assessment of Gestational Sac Shape

Previous Research Projects

  • Software Development for Free Space Laser Communications
  • Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Lung Nodules Based on Adaptive CT Segmentation
  • Automatic Segmentation of Microscopy Images for Functional Adaptability Analysis of Articular Cartilage

Professional Association

Member of IEEE

Selected Publications

1. “An Automated Visi-Coil Fiducial Markers Detection Method on kV Projection Images During Prostate Radiation Therapy,” IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, 2013

2. “A New Method & Schema for Real-time Prostate Tracking During VMAT Delivery,” The American Association of Physicists in Medicine 54 th Annual Meeting, 2012

3. “Intra-vehicle UWB MIMO Channel Capacity,” IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 2012

4. “Measured Channel Capacity of SIMO-UWB for Intra-Vehicle Communications,” 5th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, 2011

5. “Reconstruction of 3D Tubular Structures from Cone-beam Projections,” International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, 2011

School of Engineering and Computer Science

Engineering Center, Room 301
115 Library Drive
Rochester , MI 48309-4479
(location map)
Dean's Office (248) 370-2217
Academic Advising (248) 370-2201