The following school-based clinical experience overview contains activities expected of our Oakland University teacher candidates seeking Elementary Certification. Programs that qualify for Elementary Certification at Oakland University are Elementary Education and MATEE. The goal is to learn through authentic experiences, facilitated student interactions and regular dialogue with an experienced mentor teacher. Oakland University students are to actively assist in helping children learn and achieve their academic goals. Education students must adhere to all district policies.
If you have any questions about your field experience, please contact the appropriate person below:
Undergraduate - Pamela Lillie - (248) 370-3040 - [email protected]
- Graduate (MATEE) - Cara Lougheed - (248) 370-4169 or [email protected]
This experience supports the introductory course designed to help education students understand the system of education and the role and responsibilities of teachers. During early school-based field experiences, students will be introduced to classroom observation, how students learn, what it means to teach, and how schools work as systems.
Elementary Education Existing Program
- EED 2000, EED 2001, TD 5103
- Required Hours: 30
Elementary Education New Program (Starting Fall 2021)
(PreK-3, 3-6)
- EED 3600, Seminar 1
This is the education student’s second semester in a classroom, and first semester in major standing. Education students are enrolled in coursework relevant to classroom management and instructional design. In this term, students might assume some instructional responsibilities that are co-planned or co-taught with a mentor teacher.
Elementary Education Existing Program
- EED 3001, RDG 5203
- Required Hours: 30
Elementary Education New Program (Starting Fall 2021)
(PreK-3, 3-6)
- EED 3650, Seminar 2
In this service-learning, embedded course, education students design and enact learning experiences and assessments as they learn. Students will continue to build upon the learning from previous fields, seeking collaboration and feedback from the mentor teacher and course instructor. Note: This experience is for undergraduate students only.
Elementary Education Existing Program
- RDG 3231
- Required Hours: 30
Elementary Education New Program (Starting Fall 2021)
(PreK-3, 3-6)
- EED 4600
Advanced Clinical Experience
This semester marks the beginning of the year-long student teaching internship as the students complete their methods coursework. Interns should work to deeply engage with students and colleagues in preparation for full time teaching responsibility in the following semester.
- EED 4270, EED 4600, TD 5270
- Required Hours
- Elementary Education: Minimum of 42
- MATEE: Minimum of 40
Final Semester: Student Teaching Internship
The Student Teaching Internship is the culminating experience for the education program. Interns will work closely with their mentor teacher to take full responsibility of the classroom as they hone their pedagogical skills.
- EED 4950, TD 5950
- Required Schedule: Full time, in accordance with district calendars
Below is the helpful information you will need to effectively complete the requirements of any field placement.
- Suggested Elementary School-Based Experiences may help students while working toward their goals.
- Visit Field Placement Manager to view your current/previous placements.
- VIA Student Learning & Licensure (SL&L) is the assessment platform through which students complete the Professional Behavior Assessment, as well as electronic record of field hours for professional education courses, clinical experiences and student teaching. For assistance with VIA (SL&L) please visit the VIA (SL&L) Help Site.
The Student Teaching Internship serves as the capstone course for all initial teacher certification programs. It entails a full semester assignment to a school district and mentor teacher. This assignment is full-time. During this time period, the teaching candidate’s schedule is determined by the calendar of the district to which he/she is assigned. Throughout your student teaching internship, you have the opportunity to work with a mentor teacher who will model expectations for you. You will gradually take over the classroom one subject at a time and teach independently for a minimum of five weeks.
All placements for the student teaching internship will require an interview prior to the beginning of the final field placement. It is highly recommended that you spend at least a half day in the teacher’s classroom before accepting the assignment to make sure this is a good placement for you. Generally, students have their final field placement with their potential mentor teacher for the internship the following semester. The placements must be arranged through School and Field Services to ensure formal working relationships between the district and university have been established.
If you need to postpone your student teaching for any reason, please let School and Field Services know right away. You will be required to reapply.
Because our elementary student teachers have a potential year-long placement, you will be expected to be ready to meet with the Director of School and Field Services one year ahead of your proposed student teaching semester to go over the requirements for student teaching. The potential yearlong placement, which is your final field assignment arranged with your potential mentor teacher for your student teaching placement, requires that you interview with your potential mentor teacher for your final 42-hour field placement. This interview will be arranged for you during the semester prior to your final field placement.
EED 4950 must be taken in the final semester of one’s degree program. Admission criteria for the internship are:
- Satisfactory grade point average and minimum required grades.
- Completion of all professional education course work with the minimum 3.0 GPA in each, “B” in EED 2000.
- Completion of a minimum of 4 field placements and documentation.
- Completion of all required coursework for the teaching major and/or minors with appropriate grades; see Elementary Education program requirements.
- Students placed in K–5 classrooms must have passed the MTTC (Michigan Test for Teacher Certification) Elementary Education test.
- Students placed in middle school must have passed the MTTC Elementary Education test and the MTTC Endorsement tests for their major and/or minors, thus qualifying for two endorsement areas.
EED 4950 may not be repeated. A minimum letter grade of “B” in EED 4950 is required for graduation, a minimum letter grade of “B” for certification. Students who do not earn the minimum grade for certification can petition to earn a B.S. without certification.
Before completing the student teaching internship application, students must be enrolled in the Masters of Arts in Teaching: Elementary Education (MATEE) and attend an application seminar in the first semester to review the internship requirements and application process. The application for student teaching is due on January 15. During the winter or summer semester of your first year, an interview will be arranged with a potential cooperating teacher for the student teaching placement. TD 5950 may not be repeated. A minimum letter grade of “B” is required for certification.
Admission criteria for the internship are:
- Minimum letter grade of “B” in all graduate coursework
- Completion of all Master of Arts in Teaching: Elementary Education (MATEE) program requirements prior to the student teaching internship. including 3 field placements totaling a minimum of 100 hours
- Students must have completed/passed all coursework within their major area (and minor if applicable and student teaching in this area)
- Students placed in a K-5 classroom must have passed the MTTC Elementary Education Test #103. It is recommended to also take/pass the MTTC Tests for your major/minor areas, but is not required if student teaching in a K-5 classroom.
- Students placed in a middle school classroom must have passed both the MTTC Elementary Education Test #103 and their MTTC Test for their major/minor areas.
Step 1: Attend Application Seminar
Attend the required scheduled student teacher application preparation seminar approximately one year prior to your intended internship semester.
Step 2: Apply to Year-Long Internship
- Complete the appropriate internship application list below:
- By the application deadline, submit a resume using Handshake. The body of the resume is not to exceed two pages. Career Services provides this platform at no cost to you while you are an enrolled student. Further support is available from Career Services or in the Guide to Handshake.
Application Deadlines for Elementary Education and MATEE
- Year-Long Internships starting in Fall: Applications due February 15th
- Year-Long Internship starting in Winter: Applications due by September 30th
Step 3: Interview
School and Field Services will submit your resume to an interested district where clusters of interns are possible.
- You will be contacted to interview with the teacher and/or principal during late October–November or February through June, as districts indicate their readiness to proceed.
- When you receive the call requesting the scheduling of an interview, respond immediately.
- As we are informed, School & Field Services will update placements online using the Field Placement Manager (FPM). When a change occurs, this will be posted. Please check regularly.
Step 4: Submit Final Forms
Required Forms Due Prior to Student Teaching
- Bloodborne Pathogen Training
Submit forms to School & Field Services at [email protected].
Fall deadline: August 15
Winter deadline: December 15
During your full-time, student teaching semester- we will meet together once a month to engage in professional learning. Each seminar takes place during the school day, usually between 1:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m. During the first two hours, you will meet in large groups to discuss topics related to the profession and your experiences as an intern, learn from guest speakers, and the like. The last hour of the seminar is time dedicated to small group meetings with your assigned university supervisor.
- Teacher’s Weekly Feedback
- Suggested Experiences Checklist
- Syllabus will be made available by the course instructor
Substitute Teaching: During the first semester of the Year-Long Internship students are working part-time in the classroom and completing coursework. Any free time outside of these two requirements can be spent substituting, as long as a student has been approved by the district's substitute staffing company. Please Inquire with the district about substitute teaching policies and procedures. Students cannot, however, replace any of their internship requirements with substitute teaching. During the full time student teaching semester, OU students are permitted to substitute ONLY for their mentor teacher for no more than 7 full days. Should additional days be needed requests can be made to the School and Field Services Office.
Interns can substitute after approval from the mentor teacher, the university supervisor, the staffing company and School and Field Services along with the following paperwork.
Exit and Certification Requirements
Complete these online forms prior to culminating seminar:
- State Survey — The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) will send a survey to your OU email after you’ve completed your student internship semester. This is a program requirement.
Learn about the Initial Certification Process.
School and Field Services
456 Pioneer Drive
Rochester, MI 48309-4482
(location map)
(248) 370-3060
(248) 370-4920 fax
[email protected]
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
SEHS Petition Link