OU Fast Facts
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Oakland University Mission Statement
Oakland University cultivates the full potential of a diverse and inclusive community. As a public doctoral institution, we impact Michigan and the world through education, research, scholarship, and creative activity.
Oakland University Vision Statement
Oakland University will unlock the potential of individuals and leave a lasting impact on the world through the transformative power of education and research.
For further information, please contact Brian Bierley, director of media relations, at (248) 370-4346 or [email protected].
- Fall 2024 student population of 15,768 (12,587 undergraduate, 3,181 graduate)
- Fall 2024 first-generation students (Among First Time in Any College students) – 39%
- Incoming freshmen average GPA – 3.48
- Incoming freshmen average SAT – 1,047
- White - 67.8%
- Black or African American - 9.5%
- Asian - 6.8%
- Hispanic or Latino - 5.1%
- American Indian or Alaska Native - 0.2%
- Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander - 0.1%
- International - 4.6%
- Multiple races - 4.4%
- Unknown - 2.2%
Geographic distribution
- Oakland County - 38.8%
- Macomb County - 33.5%
- Wayne County - 7.7%
- Genesee/Lapeer/St. Clair counties - 5.9%
- Other Michigan counties - 5.8%
- Other states - 3.6%
- Foreign countries - 4.6%
- Undergraduate
- 15-16 - 0.1%
- 17-22 - 73.5%
- 23-34 - 22.7%
- 35-44 - 2.5%
- 45-54 - 0.9%
- 55 plus - 0.3%
- Graduate
- 17-22 - 7.6%
- 23-34 - 67.6%
- 35-44 - 15.2%
- 45-54 - 7.2%
- 55 plus - 2.5%
- Female - 57.8%
- Male - 42.2%
International students
- 723
Resident Student Population
- 2,227 - 14% of total student population (2024)
- OU moved up to the second-highest tier of research universities in the 2018 Carnegie Classification
- Oakland’s business school is one of only 193 business schools of 16,000 worldwide to earn AACSB international accreditation for both business and accounting programs.
- Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine (OUWB) holds full accreditation from the Liaison Committee on Medical Education, meeting the standards that lead to the M.D. degree.
- Ranked 11th in the country for the percentage of women tenured/tenure-track faculty in engineering by the American Society for Engineering Education. (2015)
- Nurse Anesthesia program is ranked 18th out of 112 U.S. graduate programs in nursing-anesthesia, according to U.S. News & World Report. (2016)
Oakland University's School of Nursing ranks #78 nationally by the Nursing Schools almanac in its 2022 rankings of the best nursing schools.
Academic programs
- 118 bachelor’s degree programs
- 136 doctoral, master’s degree and certificate programs
Full-time faculty with doctoral or terminal degrees
- 91 percent (2023)
Transforming health care education
- OUWB admitted its charter class in fall 2011 and welcomes 125 new medical students to campus every August for a total enrollment of nearly 500 students.
- The Human Health Building opened in fall 2012 to house the schools of Nursing and Health Sciences, and offers modern laboratories, research facilities and clinical spaces.
17.6:1 (2023)
- 76% of full-time undergraduate students received scholarships and grants averaging $9,603 per student in the 2023-24 academic year.
- 42% of full-time undergraduate students received need-based financial aid in the 2023-24 academic year.
- More than $1.7 million in scholarships has been awarded by the Oakland University Alumni Association to qualified OU students.
More than 135,000 alumni with 79 percent living in Michigan.
- 1,443 acres of wooded hills and meadows
- More than 50 major buildings
- Six co-ed residence halls, two student apartment complexes and four Greek cottages
- State-of-the-art recreation center and athletic dome.
- Home to OU Art Gallery, Meadow Brook Hall, Meadow Brook Theatre and Meadow Brook Amphitheatre
- Total Awards – $29,097,927 (FY2024)
- Research space - 132,000 sq. ft.
Noted research centers
- Automotive Tribology Center (ATC)
- Barry M. Klein Center for Culture and Globalization
- Center for Applied Research in Musical Understanding (CARMU)
- Center for Autism
- Center for Biomedical Research
- Center for Civic Engagement
- Center for Data Science and Big Data Analytics
- Center for Evolutionary Psychological Science
- Center for Integrated Business and Research Education (CIBRE)
- Center for Public Humanities
- Center for Religious Understanding (CRU)
- Center for Robotics and Advanced Automation (CRAA)
- Center for Social and Behavioral Research
- Cis Maisel Center for Judaic Studies and Community Engagement
- Clean Energy Research Center (CERC)
- Eye Research Center (ERC)
- Eye Research Institute (ERI)
- Fastening and Joining Research Institute (FAJRI)
- Galileo Institute for Teacher Leadership
- Institute for Spintronic and Microwave Technology
- Institute for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine (lSCRM)
- Ken Morris Center for the Study of Labor and Work
- Macomb-OU INCubator (MAC-OU INC)
- Michigan Center for Undergraduate Research (MCUR)
- Oakland University INCubator (OU INC)
- Prevention Research Center
- Reading Recovery Center of Michigan
- Southeast Michigan Economic Data Center
FY2025 budget is $304.8 million.
OU endowments totaled $151.7 million as of June 2024.
OU contributed nearly $1 billion to the region's economy in the 2019 fiscal year.
- 18 NCAA Division I men’s and women’s varsity sports programs
- Member of the Horizon League (since July 1, 2013)
- First Division I school in Michigan to add a varsity Esports team
- Awarded to signify the Horizon League's all-sport champion, Oakland has won the James J. McCafferty Trophy seven times - four consecutive from 2014-15 through 2017-18 and three more from 2020-21 through 2023-24.
- Captured 39 Horizon League titles from 2015-24
- 39 Horizon League All-Academic or Honorable Mention student-athletes in 2023-24, representing 14 sports.
Communications and Marketing
630 Pioneer Drive
Rochester, MI 48309-4482
(location map)
(248) 370-3184
fax: (248) 370-3182