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For each of these opportunities, transportation is provided by PUB, related expenses are paid by PUB, and a PUB chaperone accompanies the trip. In addition, PUB contacts the Scholar’s high school to request excused absences. 

MI-CAPP Student Leadership Summit: Every February, the Michigan College Access Programs and Personnel professional association sponsors a statewide student leadership conference. It is held in a different location within the state each year. The MI-CAPP SLS is an opportunity for Michigan TRIO students and students in other Michigan Educational Opportunities Programs to come together for learning and networking. PUB’s seniors have an opportunity to apply for Academic Achievement and/or Academic Progress scholarships. At the conference banquet, up to eight $1,000 scholarships are awarded to graduating high school seniors and college students. PUB selects male and female Scholars who have participated in a Summer Academy and are regular academic year participants. All PUB delegates are required to write a newsletter article to share their experiences with the entire PUB population.

NACAC Detroit College Fair: This is an annual opportunity each spring, for seniors in particular, to spend a morning investigating colleges and universities where they might want to enroll. Admission officers are available and, in some case, ready to make on-site admission decisions. This opportunity is open for sign-up when announced on PUB’s Facebook sight, usually in January.

GVSU TRIO Access Day: Grand Valley State University is the only Michigan postsecondary institution that develops a campus visit specifically to attract pre-college TRIO students to consider GVSU as their choice for college. Held each spring, it includes breakfast, lunch, a campus tour, and a series of workshops to introduce key information on which to base a decision. Parents are welcome to accompany the trip. 

OU Day at the Capitol: Each year, OU’s Office of Government Affairs and University Student Congress collaborate to create a day-long Oakland University presence at the state capitol in Lansing. PUB participates in this exercise to give Scholars exposure to the Capitol building, legislators, and opportunities available in the Lansing area. Parents are welcome to accompany this trip. 

Men of Excellence: This is also an EOA-sponsored conferenced that equips young men with the tools they will need to develop into honorable adults of integrity. MOE is held in a different state each year within a 10-state region. PUB selects from among its male Scholars who have a 3.0 GPA, have participated in a Summer Academy, and regularly participate in PUB’s academic year programming.

National Student Leadership Congress: Washington, DC’s Council for Opportunity in Education offers this annual opportunity for student leaders from all over the United States to come to Washington, DC for a week to enact a mock Congress. Scholars must be prepared to exercise their leadership skills to generate, defend, and lobby for the passing of mock legislation that is relevant to their generation. The experience also includes meeting Congresspersons, touring monuments, social time, and a banquet. A PUB chaperone does not accompany this trip. However, Scholars are met in DC by the COE staff; and living arrangements are similar to the PUB Summer Academy with a trained Head Resident and Peer Mentors supervising the living environment.

Online academic support is provided through weekly Virtual College Club, individual online tutoring sessions, and a variety of online learning platforms that include Mangahigh for Math, Khan Academy for SAT Prep, and Flocabulary for all subjects.

  • Khan Academy: Use this website to study or practice different core subjects, prepare for the SAT, learn computer programming, catch up in your AP subjects, and to continue practicing skills you learned in PUB tutoring.
  • Flocabulary: Site uses hiphop to teach concepts that are then supported with worksheets, games, and quizzes.
  • College Board/SAT: Use this website for practice tests, registration information, test dates, and finding out more information about this standardized test. These scores will help in the college admissions process.
  • Online Planner Sheets: This site has multiple types of planners (hourly, weekly, multi-week, etc.) You can print out whichever days you might need or the entire calendar. Then map out your classes, PUB events, tutoring and extracurricular activities. They also have homework log sheets so that you can keep track of assignments. Use this source to help you stay on track and keep up with your work.
  • OnTrack:  This site has an online college and career readiness curriculum designed to help students, parents, counselors, educators, and after-school program staff successfully navigate the post-secondary education attainment process.

PUB is all about making sure that participants are prepared to succeed in college and that they get enrolled in higher education so that they can pursue their goals. Below are some resources that will be useful on your path to success. Check back regularly for amazing new resources. 

College Information & Planning:

  • College Board:Use this website for researching schools, majors, career paths and more.
  • KnowHow2GO: Use this website to find resources to help support students from under-represented backgrounds.
  • College Green Light: Use this website to search for colleges & scholarships that match your criteria. This site will also connect your search information to your school counselor and your PUB advisor.
  • I'm First: Use this website to find resources dedicated to students that strive to be the first person in their family to graduate from college.
  • FASFA Guide: Use this website to find a step by step guide on applying for financial aid and everything you need to know about the process.
  • College Resources for Minority Students

Financial Aid/Scholarships:

  • FASFA: Free Application for Federal Student Financial Aid. Use this website to apply for financial aid for college. This application is required by all schools if you want to receive any government funded aid.
  • Fastweb: Use this website to apply for scholarships that are matched to your profile from their database.
  • Dell Scholars Program: Scholarship available to students that are enrolled in college readiness programs (Upward Bound, Gear Up, etc...)
  • AXA Achievement: Scholarship available to all U.S. citizens 
  • Scholarships:  Use this website to apply for scholarships that are matched to your profile from their database.
  • Pontiac Promise Zone: Scholarship for students that graduated from a high school in Pontiac School District and are attending a school in Michigan. Application Form
  • Colleges That Meet 100% of Demonstrated Financial Need
  • Scholarships for Minorities in STEM
  • Rosa Parks Scholarship: The foundation awards non-renewable scholarships to Michigan high school seniors who believe in Mrs. Parks’ lifelong commitment to social justice and community service while maintaining a strong academic record and demonstrating financial need. Application Form

Project Upward Bound services are grounded in four pillars: Academic, Social, Cultural, and Career.  In this section PUB will display information and links that promote the further development of PUB Scholars as knowledgeable, skillful, confident, culturally sensitive, able leaders.

Haven: A nationally recognized nonprofit leader that provides programs to promote violence-free homes and communities and helps victims of domestic violence and sexual assault.

On Track: An online college and career readiness curriculum designed to help students, parents, counselors, educators, and after-school program staff successfully navigate the post-secondary education attainment process.

National Alliance on Mental Illness Helpline: 1-800-950-6264 NAMI works to educate, support, advocate, listen and lead to improve the lives of people with mental illness and their loved ones.

Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: 988 is a 24/7 toll-free nationwide hotline, made up of a network of independently operated and funded local call centers (200+) across the country where compassionate care and accessible support is available. Lifeline call centers are free and confidential.

Oakland University Counseling Center: 248-370-2018 We aid students in the development of coping skills to deal with a diverse and changing world.

24/7 Crisis Chat: Text HOME to 74141 - Crisis Text Line provides free, 24/7 mental health support via text message.

Lighthouse: Assists families seeking support for the most basic of needs such as food or shelter.

THAW: Provides energy and utility assistance to Michigan families in need. 

OLHSATo empower families and communities to gain the knowledge. skills and resources needed to improve their quality of life.

Oakland Family Services: Provides prevention, education and treatment services to children and families.

Common GroundProvides 24/7 confidential crisis support during mental health emergencies, counseling and emergency shelter assistance.  

Remote Resource:

PUB Family Conference Call

Congratulations on taking a positive step toward the future by becoming a part of the Project Upward Bound (PUB) Family. Project Upward Bound spends approximately $5,500 per Scholar annually on education enhancement. By actively engaging in both the Summer Academy and the Academic Year Program, PUB Scholars can become top notch students through adventurous learning experiences.

Request the Master Membership PDF Handbook

This Master Membership Handbook has been compiled to share the opportunities and services that come with PUB membership and the responsibilities of PUB Scholars and Parents/Guardians. KEEP THIS BOOK FOR REFERENCE; it is edited and reprinted only every five years. Scholars and Parents/Guardians are expected to know the information it contains. Annual supplements are distributed at Summer Academy and Academic Year Program orientations to provide the latest updates and most recent programming information.

There are many ways to keep in touch with PUB. Office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The telephones have 24-hour voice mail service. The address and phone number; email, website, and Facebook addresses are all printed in this book. PUB has an active social media and GroupMe presence. Any after-hours messages will be responded to as soon as possible.

When students are admitted to PUB, so are their parents. And parents will have plenty of opportunities for growth and involvement as well. So, we enthusiastically welcome your family into The PUB Family!




Project Upward Bound

Vandenberg Hall, Room 120
502 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester , Michigan 48309-4452
(location map)
(248) 370-3218
Fax: (248) 370-3217

Office Hours:
Monday-Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Extended hours on select Saturdays (see schedule) or call for an appointment