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Four adults in business attire looking towards the front of the room.

Resources & Advising

In Oakland University’s Graduate Business Programs office you’ll partner with staff members ready to help you find the answers to questions you have about your course of study, from admission advising and orientation, registration support and the graduation process. We are ready to help you unleash your leadership and accelerate your career.

Contact Us
Graduate Business Programs
(248) 370-3287
[email protected]

Graduate Academic Catalog

During your time at Oakland, you may find you will need to interact with an adviser for many different reasons. Our academic advisers can:

  • help you prepare for and plan your academic career
  • provide you with educational and career counseling
  • empower you with relevant and vital information regarding your degree program opportunities
  • help you learn about student support services
Paul Trumbull
Director of Graduate Business Student Services
[email protected]

  • Master of Business Administration
  • Master of Science in Information Technology Management
  • Master of Science in Business Analytics
  • Master of Science in Finance
  • Business Analytics Graduate Certificate
  • Business Essentials Graduate Certificate
  • Business Leadership Graduate Certificate
  • HR Management Graduate Certificate
  • Information Security Management Graduate Certificate
  • Marketing Graduate Certificate
  • Post-Master's Certificates (except Accounting)
A headshot of Donna Free Donna Free
Faculty Director, Master of Accounting
Special Instructor of Accounting
[email protected]

  • Master of Accounting
  • Post-Master's Certificate in Accounting
  • Finance Graduate Certificate
  • FinTech Graduate Certificate
Teri Abbo-Sutherland
Director of Executive Programs
[email protected]

  • Executive MBA
Marie Hill
EMBA Program Coordinator
[email protected]

  • Executive MBA
Dr. Vijayan Sugumaran
Decision and Information Sciences Department Chair
Professor of Management Information Systems
[email protected]

  • Master of Science in Information Technology Management
  • Master of Science in Business Analytics
  • Post-Master's Certificates in Management Information Systems
  • Post-Master's Certificates in Production and Operations Management
  • Business Analytics Graduate Certificate
  • Information Security Management Graduate Certificate
Dr. Xiaodong Deng
Faculty Director, MSITM
Professor of Management Information Systems

[email protected]

  • Master of Science in Information Technology Management
A headshot of Ranadeb Chaudhuri Dr. Ranadeb Chaudhuri
Faculty Director, Master of Finance 
Professor of Finance
[email protected]

  • Master of Finance
Vanessa Lewis
Program Assistant

(248) 370-2927
[email protected]
Graduate Assistantship
Graduate Assistants (GAs) are selected for excellence in scholarship and potential as researchers.  Graduate Assistants provide approximately 20 hours of service per week, over the course of a semester, under the direct supervision of faculty members. All graduate assistantships have a service obligation for which the student receives a stipend. An accompanying tuition award will cover 9 credits of tuition for the term awarded. GA's are renewable.
Academic Requirements and Expectations
  • Graduate Assistants must be enrolled as a full-time student (9 credits minimum) during each semester of their appointment AND maintain a full-time status for the entire semester. These are awarded on a competitive base and very few are available.
  • Assistantship agreements are subject to cancellation if the student does not meet the minimum enrollment requirement.
  • Graduate Assistants must maintain at least an overall 3.0 grade point average.
  • Graduate Assistants must satisfy academic progress, general degree and other program requirements established by Oakland and the graduate program as published in the Graduate Catalog or program handbook.
  • All teaching and research graduate assistants are considered non-employees for purposes of, or exempt from, the federal Fair Labor Standards Act.
  • A full-time graduate assistant may NOT work for or be paid by Oakland in any other employment classification during the same month in which they either worked or were paid as a graduate assistant.
In order to qualify, you MUST be accepted into a masters business program [MBA, Master of Accounting, MS in Finance, MS in Business  Analytics, and MS in Information Technology Management.]
You must apply on HANDSHAKE [Job# 9406296] using your Oakland.edu email. A online supplementary application is also required and can be located here (after submitting your interest through Handshake).
***Applications are DUE April 1 for fall term; October 1 for the winter term***
Class Schedules
- Always check MySail for the most up-to-date schedule(s). Note each term is on a separate tab. 
Quantitative Methods Workshop
Successful completion of the Quantitative Methods Workshop satisfies the MBA quantitative methods prerequisite. 
Waitlisting (for full classes)
Add yourself to the waitlist for full classes on MySail. You can view your position on the Student Detail Schedule in the Registration section of MySail. The order is 0 (zero) to the maximum of the waitlist. A position of 0 (zero) means you have already been notified of an available seat and can register for the class. For further information and FAQs on waitlisting, please visit oakland.edu/registrar/waitlisting/
Oakland University Graduate School
The Graduate School provides academic records management, academic standing and degree services for currently enrolled students.

New Graduate Students

Now that you’re accepted as a graduate student, you need to activate your OU account, register for classes and pay your bill. Learn about how to get your GrizzCard, orientation dates and available scholarships and assistantships.

Admissions Application

Term for which admission is requested Regular Applicants International Applicants
Fall Semester July 15 May 1
Winter Semester November 15 September 1
Summer Semester March 1 January 1
* No summer admission for MSITM and MSBA programs


Prospective MBA students, please note: A $500 scholarship will be awarded to those enrolled in this GMAT Prep, who are then admitted into one of our Graduate Programs, and successfully complete their first semester.

Contact Paul Trumbull, Director of Graduate Business Student Services at [email protected] for more details.

Visit the Official Online Bookstore. Free Shipping to the Oakland University Gear Shop located in the Oakland Center lower level.

Career and Life Design Center
The Career and Life Design Center is staffed with professional advisers who are available to assist students, alumni, and employers with career and employment needs. Services available through the office include: Handshake, on-campus recruiting, career fairs, advising with Career and Life Design Coaches, and online resources, guides and tutorials.

Code of Student Conduct and Rights

PC-Laptop Guidelines for SBA Students

Computer Lab – Elliott Hall
The School of Business Administration operates a computer lab in 215 Elliott Hall. The lab is equipped with Microsoft Office Suite, Internet access and lab monitors are available to assist students.

Degree Requirements – Plan of Work
Students are expected to follow their individualized plan of work. Questions regarding your plan of work should be directed to your program adviser. Please be aware that not all courses are offered every term. Prerequisites for all graduate business courses must be observed.

Disability Services
Students with special needs are encouraged to utilize the services provided.

OU email is the official method of communication for students. This includes notifications about grades, tuition bills, financial aid, schedule of classes, and graduation information. The university will hold students accountable for the information sent via email. Therefore, students should check their Oakland email account regularly - at least twice per week.

Graduate / University Policies (2023-2024)
Program Policy
Academic Standing
Grading (Appeals)
Academic Records and Technology
Tuition (Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships)
Enrollment / Registration
Billing and Payment

Graduate Catalog

Graduation / Commencement

Most university library materials and services are housed in Kresge Library. The library’s automated catalog allows patrons to identify titles held, not only in Kresge Library, but also in the collections at Wayne State University, the University of Detroit - Mercy, Detroit Public Library and a number of other libraries in the area.

Registration for Capstone Courses
Students enrolling in ACC 6995 (MAcc), MGT 5350 or MGT 5360 (MBA) or MIS 6940 (MSITM) will have an audit completed to ensure that all prerequisites for the course have been met.

To register for capstone courses ACC 6995, MGT 5350, MGT 5360 and MIS 6940;

  1. Contact your adviser for an override
  2. Provide the adviser with the course number, CRN number and term you wish to take the course
  3. The Graduate Business Programs office will notify you when an override has been entered into the SAIL system
  4. Register for the course via in MySail

Students are strongly encouraged to register at the earliest possible date for which they are eligible using the SAIL Web registration system. Please refer to the Office of the Registrar webpage for Important Dates. Students who do not register early face the possibility of classes being closed.

SAIL Waitlist
The waitlist is an automated process. If and when a spot becomes available, an email will be sent to your OU email account and you will have 24 hours to register for the course.

School of Business Administration

Elliott Hall, Room 427
275 Varner Drive
Rochester, MI 48309-4485
(location map)