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A person's hand holding an Oakland University pen over an empty notebook.

Syllabus Guides

The syllabus is a contract with your students, but also sets the tone for the class and prepares students for the learning environment. Along with providing the class's "ground rules," can you also use the syllabus to provide clarity to a course, and even get them excited about what lies ahead? These resources not only provide the basics and requirements, but also ideas for how to make the syllabus engaging as a document and also to continually engage students with the syllabus.

Oakland University does not have one required standard template, but the template below has been reviewed and approved by several offices on campus and includes required elements such as course catalog description. Consult your department about their syllabus requirements and guidelines.

Browse main syllabus resources here, or see all Syllabus Resources.

Syllabus Basics
OU Resources for Syllabus

Useful information for updating course schedules and including required information.

Getting Students to Use the Syllabus

These strategies keep students accountable to reading the syllabus, understand its most significant points, and connecting individual units to the “larger picture” of the course learning outcomes. These an more on the Teaching Tips blog.

Other Syllabus Considerations

Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning

Kresge Library, Room 430
100 Library Drive
Rochester, Michigan 48309-4479
(location map)
(248) 370-2751