Master of Physician Assistant Science
Master of Physician Assistant Science (MPAS) is a professional graduate program in the Department of Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences which prepares individuals for licensure and entry into the physician assistant profession. As a PA, you will diagnose illness, develop and manage treatment plans, prescribe medications, often serve as a patient’s principal healthcare provider, and play a pivotal role in improving health care access and quality.
Physician Assistant ranked number three in 100 Best Jobs of 2025 by U.S News & World Report. The profession also ranked second on U.S. News' list for Best Health Care Jobs and third for Best STEM Jobs. The rankings take into account the most important aspects of a job, including growth potential, work-life balance and salary.
Consider this position if you:
- have a passion for working with others
- want to be involved in team-based, patient care
- have a strong aptitude for science
Important information for Applicants:
Oakland University is in the process of applying for Accreditation - Provisional from the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant (ARC-PA). Oakland University anticipates matriculating its first class in January 2026, pending achieving Accreditation - Provisional status at the September 2025 ARC-PA commission meeting. Accreditation - Provisional is an accreditation status granted when the plans and resource allocation, if fully implemented as planned, of a proposed program that has not yet enrolled students appear to demonstrate the program’s ability to meet the ARC-PA Standards or when a program holding accreditation-provisional status appears to demonstrate continued progress in complying with the Standards as it prepares for the graduation of the first class (cohort) of students.
In the event that Accreditation – Provisional status is not granted by the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant (ARC-PA), Oakland University will not matriculate its first class as anticipated in January 2026. Oakland University will not be responsible for refunding fees incurred by the applicants during the application and/or interview process (e.g., CASPA fees, program-specific application fees, travel to/from campus, etc). Any seat deposit made by an applicant will be refunded in full.
In the event that Accreditation – Provisional status is granted, applicants offered acceptance in the program will be required to submit a non-refundable $500 deposit within seven (7) business days to secure seat. The seat deposit money will be applied to first semester program tuition. Failure to submit this deposit will result in student losing their program seat.
Mission Statement
To prepare high quality physician assistants, exceptionally trained to practice evidence-based medicine and embrace culturally diverse and inclusive environments, who will serve each person with compassion and professionalism.
Vision Statement
To transform students, through rigorous academic preparation and excellence in clinical skill development, into leading members of collaborative health care teams, providing empathetic and inclusive care and leaving lasting impacts on the patients and communities they serve.
- Recruit, select and retain a pool of highly qualified applicants from a variety of backgrounds that reflects the diversity of patient populations.
- Plans to measure effectiveness:
- Adopt and support the Oakland University Strategic Goal to advance diversity, equity and inclusion in an environment of mutual trust and respect and facilitate opportunities and success for all MPAS faculty, staff and students.
- Establish policies and practices that support and promote diversity, equity and inclusion.
- Implement a holistic admissions process that is mission-aligned with selection processes that take into consideration an applicants' experiences, attributes and academic metrics as well as the value an applicant would contribute to learning, practice and teaching.
- Analysis of cohort demographics
- Self-Report: MPAS Program Admission-Enrollment-Orientation Survey (A-E-O).
- CASPA Metrics (starting with a future admissions cycle)
- Adopt and support the Oakland University Strategic Goal to advance diversity, equity and inclusion in an environment of mutual trust and respect and facilitate opportunities and success for all MPAS faculty, staff and students.
- Plans to measure effectiveness:
- The program will provide students with the necessary tools and support to develop cognitive knowledge, affective behavior, and technical skills to reliably practice as a competent PA.
- Plans to measure effectiveness:
- Didactic Curriculum:
- ≤10% of all assessments have student scores low enough to require remediation.
- No student remediation efforts are deemed unsuccessful by the corresponding Principal or Instructional Faculty.
- ≤5% of all final course grades are below a passing percentage of 80%.
- Each cohort will achieve an average Packrat score at or above national average.
- Clinical Curriculum
- ≤10% of all assessments including the End-of-Rotation Exams (EOREs) have student scores low enough to require remediation.
- ≤5% of all SCPE course grades earn a failing (below 80%) grade.
- Preceptor Evaluation minimum of 3.5/5.0 on a Likert scale in the clinical and technical knowledge domain.
- Program Completion
- 95-100% of students pass all comprehensive exams (End of Curriculum and Comprehensive OSCE evaluations).
- End of Curriculum exam scores at or above the National Average.
- First time PANCE pass rate at or above the National average.
- Professionalism
- 95-100% passing grade of 80% or greater in the Ethics and Evidence Based Medicine Course.
- Preceptor Evaluation minimum of 3.5/5.0 liker scale evaluation in the professionalism domain.
- Advisor Professionalism Assessment: minimum of 3.5/5.0 Likert scale.
- Didactic Curriculum:
- Plans to measure effectiveness:
- Reinforce collaborative learning and a team-based approach to the practice of medicine through a variety of learning modalities.
- Plans to measure effectiveness:
- Full participation and engagement in interprofessional learning opportunities.
- Interdisciplinary Anatomy Cadaver Lab workshop with the Physical Therapy Department.
- 95-100% of students with a passing grade of 80% or greater in PAS 5250 Trends in Medicine and Wellness assessments in Nutrition and Exercise in collaboration with the Nutrition and Exercise Science programs.
- Receive passing scores from the clinical preceptors assessing interdisciplinary teamwork during Clinical Practicums/SCPEs.
- Full participation and engagement in interprofessional learning opportunities.
- Plans to measure effectiveness:
- Prepare students to practice cultural competency and raise awareness of social determinants of health and equity in healthcare through didactic education, clinical placement, and community engagement.
- Plans to measure effectiveness:
- Participation and completion of Implicit Bias Training in Capstone I.
- 95-100% of students with a passing grade of 80% or greater in PAS 5150 (Ethics and Evidence Based Medicine) PAS 5220 Public Health Science and PAS 5120 Psychosocial Factors in Medicine.
- Active participation and engagement in community outreach opportunities through participation in the AAPA student society chapter at Oakland University.
- Plans to measure effectiveness:
- Develop proficiency in all manners of communication and demonstrate competency in oral and written communications skills.
- Plans to measure effectiveness:
- Preceptor Evaluation minimum of 3.5/5.0 liker scale evaluation in the communication domain.
- 95-100% of students with a passing grade of 80% or greater in PAS 5030 Medical Interview and Documentation and PAS 5350 Clinical Transitions and Advanced Documentation.
- Faculty team Evaluation of Physical Assessment OSCEs minimum of 3.5/5.0 Likert scale in the communication domain.
- Plans to measure effectiveness:
- Prepare our students to be PA advocates and leaders by providing opportunities for growth.
- Plans to measure effectiveness:
- 100% participation and demonstration of effective Leadership in the AAPA student society chapter at Oakland University.
- 90-100% participation in AAPA and/or MAPA as graduates of the program (Graduate Survey).
- Graduate survey results assessing leadership and advocacy positions of graduates.
- Plans to measure effectiveness:
- Medical Knowledge
- Integrate core knowledge of established and emerging biomedical and clinical science, and the application of this knowledge to patient care.
- Integrate into practice basic principles of public health including epidemiology, disease prevention, surveillance, reporting, and the maintenance of population health.
- Demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the different types of healthcare systems including the legal, regulatory, insurance, reimbursement, billing/coding, and patient safety issues related to the practice of medicine.
- Interpersonal and Communication Skills
- Demonstrate effective documentation of medical information in an accurate, logical and understandable manner.
- Demonstrate effective communication skills with patients, families, and other healthcare providers using various modalities such as auditory, verbal, and non-verbal modalities of communication.
- Practice cultural competency by understanding and integrating cultural norms and needs, of the individual patients and community being served.
- Integrate interventions that reduce health disparities including gender, gender identity, race, ethnicity, disability, socioeconomic status, and geographical location pertaining to the patient and community in which medical practice is conducted.
- Communicate effectively and respectfully with patients, families, and other health care team members.
- Clinical and Technical Skills
- Demonstrate the ability to gather clinical information, formulate differential diagnoses, order, and interpret laboratory studies and imaging.
- Demonstrate the appropriate technical skills necessary to perform core duty procedures, and diagnose, prevent, treat, and manage illness among acute, chronic, and emerging disease states across the lifespan.
- Integrate current research and techniques to make the best evidence-based decisions when providing patient care and technical procedures.
- Demonstrate utilization of both electronic and non-digital medical records to document findings, access clinical information, write prescriptions and orders, and make referrals.
- Use and apply basic technologies and other resources to appropriately search and interpret medical literature for answers to clinical questions and evidence-based practices.
- Integrate and apply newly acquired knowledge into patient care practice.
- Professional Behavior
- Provide appropriate standards of care practice while advocating and practicing respect for patient privacy.
- Demonstrate professional behavior including sensitivity to diverse populations, as an integral (leading) member of the healthcare team, especially when interacting with patients, families, staff, administrators, and colleagues.
- Demonstrate professional accountability by ethical and legal awareness within our scope of practice.
- Incorporate a personal wellness plan to promote resilience and prevent burnout.
- Acknowledge and agree to abide by the principles included in the American Academy of Physician Assistants “Guidelines to the Ethical Conduct of the Physician Assistant Profession”.
- Clinical Reasoning and Problem-Solving Abilities
- Coordinate care to optimize the health of patients and populations.
- Integrate methods of addressing inequities of social determinants of health including economic stability, education access and quality, health care access and quality, neighborhood and built environment, social and community context.
- Recommend pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic therapeutic options that are evidence-based while also considering patient preferences and concerns, spiritual considerations, and barriers to social determinants of health.
- Utilize information derived from medical history, physical exam, and diagnostic testing to formulate working differential diagnosis into acute presumptive diagnosis.
- Demonstrate ability to provide efficient and effective care in a variety of medical settings including emergent, acute, chronic, rehabilitative, palliative, and end-of-life encounters.
Technical standards are published to allow a student candidate the ability to make an informed decision regarding application to the MPAS program. These standards are considered necessary to successfully complete the didactic and clinical portions of the program as well as continue with the skills necessary to progress to clinical competency as a practitioner.
Academic adjustments can be made for disabilities in some instances, but a student must be able to perform in a reasonably independent manner.
The Disability Support Services Office (DSS) assists current and prospective students who are requesting accommodations to access the programs and services at Oakland University. Accommodations are determined through an interactive, individualized, case by case interview between DSS and the student. Application for accommodations and documentation guidelines can be found on the DSS website. https://oakland.edu/dss/student-resources/accommodations/.
Practitioners in healthcare must have the knowledge, skills, and abilities to function in a wide variety of clinical experiences and patient care scenarios. Students in the Master of Physician Assistant Science Program must be able to integrate, analyze and synthesize data consistently and accurately.
Technical standards are addressed in seven categories: observation; communication; motor; sensory; strength, mobility, and endurance; intellectual including conceptual, integrative, and quantitative; and behavioral and social.
Requirements for Admission, Promotion, Continuation and Graduation
Minimal Technical Standards
- Observation: Candidates and students must have sufficient uncorrected or corrected visual acuity, depth perception, and color perception to be able to observe demonstrations, experiments, laboratory exercises and lectures in the basic and clinical sciences. They must be able to observe a patient accurately at a distance and up close. Vision must be sufficient to utilize clinical instrumentation; observe written and graphic information (such as EKGs and X rays); identify clinical landmarks and textural changes on anatomical structures; and observe patient physical qualities such as posture, locomotion, and movement in a clinical setting. Observing the patient includes the use of visual, auditory, and somatic sensation, and is enhanced by the functional use of other sensory modalities.
If for any reason the candidate's ability to observe or acquire information through the above- mentioned sensory modalities is inhibited, the candidate must possess the ability to obtain the acquired information, whether basic science or patient related, in an alternative fashion.
- Communication: Candidates and students must be able to communicate effectively and sensitively using both oral and written communication skills with patients, their families, and with all members of the health care team using traditional or non-traditional means. The candidate must be able to create and comprehend written materials such as medical records, laboratory reports, and pharmacological prescriptions. The candidate must possess adequate interpersonal skills, empathy toward others, and a willingness to interact cooperatively in all professional environments.
- Motor: Candidates and students must have sufficient motor functions to execute movements required to perform laboratory exercises and provide clinical care. Such actions require coordination of both gross and fine motor movements and equilibrium, and functional use of the senses of touch and vision. The candidate must possess the motor skills necessary to perform palpation, percussion, auscultation, and other diagnostic maneuvers to complete basic and specialized portions of the physical examination of a patient and is expected to execute movements and assume reasonable bodily postures required to provide diagnostic evaluation and treatment of patients including emergency medical care. If unable to perform these tasks independently, they must be able to direct others to perform these tasks.
- Sensory: Candidates and students must have functional use of sensory skills such as tactile discrimination and proprioception for classroom, laboratory, and clinical experiences. Functional use of hearing and vision are also required and are described in the sections above.
- Strength, Mobility and Endurance: Candidates and students must have sufficient upright posture, balance, flexibility, mobility, strength, and cardiovascular endurance for standing, sitting, lifting moderate weight and participating in classroom, laboratory and clinical experiences.
- Intellectual: Candidates and students must have sufficient cognitive capabilities to assimilate the detailed and complex information presented in formal lectures, small group discussions, individual teaching sessions, and clinical settings. The ability to measure, calculate, reason, analyze, recall and synthesize information across various modalities; understand spatial relationships of structure and form and test hypothesizes are essential components of critical thinking. Problem solving, the critical and essential skill demanded of physicians, requires all these intellectual abilities. These problem-solving skills must be performed in a timely fashion.
- Behavioral and Social: Candidates and students must possess the demeanor and maturity required for full utilization of his or her intellectual abilities. This includes interactions with faculty, staff, student colleagues and the general population. Students must exercise good judgment in diagnosis and treatment of patients. Required skills include the ability to function in stressful and demanding environments, and demonstration of the flexibility to cope with changing situations and the ambiguity inherent in medical problem solving.
Candidates and students must consistently demonstrate compassion, honesty, integrity, concern, and respect for self and others. In addition to possessing an intrinsic desire for excellence, the candidate must possess tolerance for and acceptance of difference, and show interest and motivation to become an effective PA.
Students are expected to demonstrate appropriate behavior at all times in their personal and professional life. Failure to do so can result in dismissal. Examples of inappropriate behavior include but are not limited to substance abuse, sexual harassment and other forms of harassment, violent behavior, and illegal activities.
Oakland University MPAS program will also include a link in the Student Handbook, the “Core Competencies for New Physician Assistant Graduates” as developed by PAEA to include:
- Patient Centered Practice Knowledge
- Society and Population Health
- Health Literacy and Communication
- Interprofessional Collaborative Practice and Leadership
- Professional and Legal aspects of healthcare
And the “Competencies for the Physician Assistant Profession” as developed by the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants (NCCPA), Accreditation and Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant (ARC-PA), Physician Assistant Education Association (PAEA), and the American Academy of Physician Assistants (AAPA) to include competency areas related to:
- Medical knowledge
- Interpersonal and Communication Skills
- Patient care
The OU MPAS program is committed to the promotion of a diverse student body representative of the patient populations we serve. In support of our mission, we recognize and embrace that diversity promotes excellence in education, research, professionalism and health care. Through holistic admission policies and recruitment and retention strategies, we strive to ensure that no student is denied access to an Oakland University education based on their gender, gender identification, race, religion, national origin or economic status. A diversified and inclusive student body provides opportunity for the development of enhanced communication skills through social and cultural immersion and shared experiences with others from a broad range of backgrounds and experiences. This further supports our goals of excellence in clinical decision making, advanced interpersonal skills and competent, quality patient care.
For further information on Oakland University's DEI initiative, visit the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion's website.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Initiatives:
Oakland University is committed to supporting the MPAS program’s goals for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (std. A1.11)
- Defining (A1.11a)
- Strategic goal 4:
- Advance diversity, equity and inclusion in an environment of mutual trust and respect at ALL levels of the institution.
- Facilitate opportunities for success for all community members
- OU Council on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- Collective and coherent voice to serve as a resource for all
- Short- and Long-term strategies for structure, policies, processes, curricula and engagement
- Diversity advocate Program
- Development of equity and diversity advocated on search committees
- Strategic goal 4:
- Recruiting (A1.11b)
- Strategic Enrollment Management Plan
- Align Oakland University’s strategic framework with student recruitment goals
- Increasing graduate enrollment
- Increasing the diversity of all student populations including international students
- Align Oakland University’s strategic framework with student recruitment goals
- Holistic Admissions Policy
- Strategic Enrollment Management Plan
- Retention (A1.11c)
- Strategic Enrollment Management Plan
- Support goals and tactics identified by the DEI Council
- Increase representation
- Center for Multicultural Initiatives
- Oakland University Trustee Academic Success (OUTAS) program
- Comprehensive support services including academic support, to the diverse group of OU students, including those in the MPAS program
- CORE (Collectively Oakland Retains Everyone)
- Academic support: advising, tutoring, mentoring, workshops, counseling
- Oakland University Trustee Academic Success (OUTAS) program
- Strategic Enrollment Management Plan
- Resources for the MPAS program, faculty, staff and students. (A1.11d)
- Diversity Training for Faculty and Staff
- Center for Multicultural Initiatives provides workshops and presentations
- OUMPAS: Capstone I course will include diversity training for all clinical year students
- Disability support services
- All students with disabilities will participate fully in university life
- OUMPAS: All students promptly referred to DSS for evaluation and academic support
- Gender and Sexuality Center
- Supports the retention and graduation of LGBTQ+
- OUMPAS: Workshops and “Brown Bag” lunch presentations for OU MPAS students
- OUMPAS: Sponsored events through the OU MPAS student chapter of the American Academy of Physician Assistants (Associates)
- Office of Title IX and Compliance
- OUMPAS: providing a safe and secure learning environment
- Veteran and Support Services
- OUMPAS: support enrollment of veterans in the MPAS program
- Resources for Military members and Veterans including using the GI bill and/or other resources for MPAS cost of attendance.
- Diversity Training for Faculty and Staff
Oakland University does not discriminate based on age, race, color, gender, national origin, or ethnicity in administering admissions, educational policies, scholarships, and loan programs.
Important admission dates
- CASPA Application Opens(2025-2026 cycle): April 24, 2025
- Application Deadline (submitted and verified): September 1, 2025
- Interviews: September/November 2025
- Notification of Acceptance: November 2025
- Program start date (Pending Accreditation): January 6, 2026
All applicants are evaluated by the admissions committee based on the following criteria:
- Overall GPA
- Prerequisite GPA
- Quality of shadowing experience
- Letters of recommendation
- Content of personal statement
- Responses to supplemental questions on:
- Diversity, equity and inclusion
- Interest in attending Oakland University's MPAS program
- Leadership experience
- Demonstrated service or volunteerism
- An understanding of the PA role and profession
- Any additional unique qualities or experiences that enhance the candidate's contributions to the program and profession.
Interviews will be offered to applicants through a ranking process that includes overall GPA, prerequisite GPA, quality of shadowing experience, letters of recommendation, personal statement and supplemental question responses.
During interviews, candidates will have in-person conversations with the admissions committee and will be assessed for:
- Understanding of the PA role and profession.
- Academic potential and readiness for the program’s rigorous curriculum.
- Motivation, maturity, self-awareness, and interpersonal skills.
- Professionalism and maturity.
- Communication and interaction skills.
Applicants offered acceptance into the program will be required to complete a drug screening, criminal background check, and fingerprinting prior to matriculation. All associated costs are the applicant’s responsibility. Applicants must understand that the results of the above may affect matriculation into the program and clinical placements.
Preferences given:
In alignment with OU MPAS Program mission and goals, in the event that there are two equally qualified candidates based on the points earned for admission criteria and interview, preference will be given to applicants who meet ANY of the following diversity criteria:
- Applicants reside in the Health Professions Shortage Area (HPSA) or Medically Underserved Communities (MUC).
- Applicants who identify as underrepresented minorities or underrepresented minorities in medicine.
- Applicants who come from economically disadvantaged backgrounds.
- Applicants who are first-generation college students.
- Applicants who are veterans or active reserve members.
Applicants must meet technical standards that demonstrate abilities to perform as a physician assistant.
For Technical Standards (Standard A3.13e), please see the General Program Information tab on this page and select Technical Standards.
Please direct all admissions questions to [email protected].
The MPAS program will follow the university graduate admission policies and expectations for admission to the university.
Admission to the OU MPAS Program is highly competitive. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that all admission requirements are met in full. Meeting only the minimum criteria does not guarantee an invitation for an interview or acceptance into the program. Applicants are encouraged to exceed the minimum standards and present a well-rounded, compelling application to improve their chances of success.
Educational requirements:
- Bachelor's degree with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale from an accredited United States institution is required the summer before starting the program.
- International Students: Please review How to Apply.
- If the degree received was awarded from outside the United States, the submitted transcript must be evaluated by a current member of NACES.
- If English is not your first language, you must prove your proficiency of the English Language.
GPA requirements:
- A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
- Applicants must achieve a minimum grade of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale for each prerequisite course.
Prerequisite coursework requirements:
- Please refer to the prerequisite course requirements below on this page.
- All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade prior to submission of the application.
- All prerequisite courses must be completed within 10 years prior to application deadline, no earlier than September 1, 2015.
- No Advanced Placement (AP) credit is accepted for prerequisite course requirements.
- Audited coursework is not accepted for prerequisite courses.
- Applicants may submit an OU MPAS Prerequisite Waiver Request for consideration in the event they can demonstrate related upper-level coursework or mastery of content through work-related experiences. Submitting this form does not guarantee prerequisite waiver. The form and any supporting documentation will be presented to Admissions Committee for final decision.
Transfer credits:
- Transfer credits from other PA programs are not accepted.
Standardized Testing:
- There is no standardized exam (GRE, MCAT, PACAT) requirement.
Healthcare Experience requirements:
- Direct Patient Care experience of at least 500 hours is required prior to submitting application. Please review list of acceptable experiences.
- Direct patient care experience must be completed in the United States.
- Direct patient care experience must occur within four (4) years of application submission.
PA Shadowing requirements:
- Shadowing two (2) Physician Assistants is required.
- Sixteen (16) hours of shadowing experience is required.
- Student must be able to document the PA shadowed and the duties observed.
- Shadowing experiences with other health professionals will not be accepted.
Letters of Recommendation:
- Two (2) Letters of Recommendation are required.
- Letters of Recommendation should be solicited from Professional References who can attest to your work ethics.
- Employers
- Supervisors
- Colleagues/Co-workers
- Advisors/Professors
- Letters of Recommendation should be solicited from Professional References who can attest to your work ethics.
- Human Anatomy and Lab (All prerequisite courses that require a lab must be completed in person. With the exception of the 2020-2021 academic year, no online labs will be accepted.)
- Human Physiology
- English Composition
- Statistics
- Biochemistry or Organic Chemistry
- Medical Terminology
- Microbiology
- Developmental Psychology
- Nutrition
Oakland University Courses that meet the prerequisite requirements:
- Anatomy with Lab: BIO 2100 and BIO 2101
- Human Physiology: BIO 2600 or BIO 3620 or BIO 4620 or CDS 4010 or EXS 3010 or NUR 2011
- English Composition: WRT 1050 or WRT 1060 or WRT 3081
- Biochemistry or Organic Chemistry: CHM 2010 or CHM 2340 or CHM 2350 or BIO 3230 or BIO 3232 or CDS 4250
- Nutrition: HS 2500 or NTR 2500 or EXS 2410
- Statistics: PSY 2510 or STA 2220 or STA2222 or STA2226
- Developmental Psychology: PSY 2250 or PSY 3210 or PSY 3220 or PSY 3230
- Microbiology: CDS 3300 or CDS 4300 or BIO 2200 or BIO 3500 or BIO 3520 or BIO 4530
- Medical Terminology: CDS 2100
To determine if the course(s) you took from another institution meet the prerequisite requirements:
- Go to: https://www.oakland.edu/registrar/transfer-equivalencies
- Select the Institution of interest by entering the name or selecting from the list by pressing the down arrow, once the institution is selected click “Display Transfer Information”.
- Enter an Oakland University course listed above in the box “Search for a class…”, press Search (please remember to leave a space between the letters and numbers for the course).
- The course(s) listed under the selected institution are equivalent for the prerequisite requirements and will be accepted.
If no course is listed under the selected institution, then there is not an equivalent course to the specific Oakland University course entered (or you didn’t leave a space between the letters and numbers).
If you would like someone to review the course for consideration to determine equivalency requirement, please forward the syllabus AND link to the syllabus for review to [email protected].
To be eligible for application review, applicants must submit an application through CASPA (Central Application Service for Physician Assistants) and pay a $100 supplemental application charge directly to Oakland University. Failure to complete both steps will result in the application being deemed incomplete and ineligible for review.
Application not available until Spring 2025.
To prepare for submitting your application, please use the CASPA Application Checklist.
The MPAS program includes theoretical, clinical practice, and research courses and experiences to prepare graduates to function in a variety of settings.
- The MPAS program is a 27 month, full-time, year-round program
- Students will need to complete 100 credits to graduate from the program
- The didactic year is 15 months (from October to December of the next year)
- The clinical year follows the didactic year for 12 months (from January to December)
Curriculum Outline
Didactic Courses - 4 semesters, 60 credit hours
Semester 1 (15 credit hours)
- PAS 5010: Anatomical Science (5 credits)
- PAS 5020: Foundations in Medical Science (4 credits)
- PAS 5030: Medical Interview and Documentation (2 credits)
- PAS 5040: Psychosocial Factors in Medicine (2 credits)
- PAS 5050: Public Health Science (2 credits)
Semester 2 (15 credit hours)
- PAS 5110: Clinical Medical Science and Reasoning I (5 credits)
- PAS 5120: Pharmacology I (2 credits)
- PAS 5130: Patient Assessment Across the Lifespan I (4 credits)
- PAS 5140: Diagnostic Sciences I (2 credits)
- PAS 5150: Ethics and Evidence Based Medicine (2 credits)
Semester 3 (15 credit hours)
- PAS 5210: Clinical Medical Science and Reasoning II (5 credits)
- PAS 5220: Pharmacology II (2 credits)
- PAS 5230: Patient Assessment Across the Lifespan II (4 credits)
- PAS 5240: Diagnostic Sciences II (2 credits)
- PAS 5250: Trends in Medicine and Wellness (2 credits)
Semester 4 (15 credit hours)
- PAS 5310: Clinical Medical Science and Reasoning III (5 credits)
- PAS 5320: Pharmacology III (2 credits)
- PAS 5330: Patient Assessment Across the Lifespan III (2 credits)
- PAS 5350: Clinical Transitions and Advanced Documentation (2 credits)
Clinical Courses - 3 semesters, 40 credit hours
Clinical Year* (40 credit hours)
Required Rotations (Standard A3.11)
- PAS 6100: Family Medicine Clinical Practicum (4 credits) *
- PAS 6200: Emergency Medicine Clinical Practicum (4 credits) *
- PAS 6300: Internal Medicine Clinical Practicum (4 credits) *
- PAS 6400: Surgery Clinical Practicum (4 credits) *
- PAS 6500: Pediatrics Clinical Practicum (4 credits) *
- PAS 6600: Women’s Health Clinical Practicum (4 credits) *
- PAS 6700: Behavioral Medicine Clinical Practicum (4 credits) *
Elective Rotations (Standard A3.11)
- PAS 6810: Clinical Elective I (4 credits) *
- PAS 6820: Clinical Elective II (4 credits) *
Capstones Required (Standard A3.11)
- PAS 6900: PA Science Capstone I (1 credit)
- PAS 6910: PA Science Capstone II (1 credit)
- PAS 6920: PA Science Capstone III (2 credits)
*Note: Each course is one month in duration, assigned in any order based on Preceptor availability, with the exception of the Capstone courses.
OU MPAS Policy 440 - Solicitation of Clinical Sites (Standard A3.03)
At no time and under no circumstance is a student required to provide or solicit clinical sites or preceptors. Clinical site recruitment is the responsibility of the program and University (from Clinical Year Handbook).
- Capstone I: semester 1 of Clinical Year
- Capstone II: semester 2 of Clinical Year
- Capstone III: semester 3 of Clinical Year
We invite you to attend one of our Information Sessions that will cover prerequisite requirements, application instructions, and application timeline. Registration is not required to attend.
Please check back for dates of future information sessions.
Please note: The Information Sessions are not designed to go through each person's transcripts to determine equivalencies and qualifications.
For more information, please email [email protected].
Admissions Manual*
Student Handbook and Resources*
Policies and Procedures*
Clinical Year Handbook*
Preceptor Orientation Handbook
*updated handbooks coming soon
Accreditation Statutes (Standard A3.12.a)
Program data will be published when available.
Effective in meeting the program goals (Standard A3.12.b)
Program data will be published when available.
NCCPA PANCE Exam Performance (Standard A3.12.c)
Program data will be published when available.
Attrition Data (Standard A3.12.i)
Program data will be published when available.
Physician assistants are versatile and collaborative medical professionals. PAs practice in every medical setting in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. They work in hospitals, medical offices, community health centers, nursing homes, retail clinics, educational facilities, workplace clinics, federal government agencies, and correctional institutions.
Job Outlook
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), employment of PAs is projected to grow 27% from 2022-2032, much faster than the average for all occupations. As demand for health care services grows, PAs will be needed to provide care to patients.
Average Salary
The BLS reports that the median annual salary for PAs was $130,020 in May 2023.
Financial Aid
There are stipends and some scholarships available for students enrolled in the program. Specific information is given to students at the time of MPAS orientation. Information concerning financial aid and financial resources can be obtained from the Office of Student Financial Services, 120 North Foundation Hall, Oakland University, Rochester, MI 48309, (248) 370-2550.
Tuition (Standard A3.12f)
Estimated cost of attendance and tuition rates for in-state and out-of-state tuition to be announced.
- Tuition and Refund Policy (Standard A1.02k)
- Refund Process (Standard A1.02k)
- Refund Calendar Dates (Standard A1.02k)
Refund of Admission Deposit (Standard A1.02k)
Oakland University will refund the tuition deposits for provisionally admitted students if the Master of Physician Assistant Science (MPAS) program is not approved for Provisional Accreditation.
Additional Student Program Costs (Standard A3.12f)
Even though there are no fees associated with the program, accepted students will be responsible for all costs associated with:
- Transportation and parking (includes travel related to clinical year practicums)*
- Meals
- OU Voluntary Meal Plan ranges from $280 to $450 per month*
- Room and board
- Graduate students eligible for student apartments; includes all utilities
- Ann Nicholson Student Apartments
- $9,042 per student per Fall/Winter semester
- $4,288 per student per Summer
- George Matthews Student Apartments
- $9,340 per student per Fall/Winter semester
- $4,729 per student per Summer
- Ann Nicholson Student Apartments
- Graduate students eligible for student apartments; includes all utilities
- Health Insurance: student must carry own coverage
- OU partnered with BCBS for student plan - 2023-2024 policy costs $519 per month
- Medical fees (exposure incidents): student responsibility
- Screening - health, drug and background checks: $250
- Textbooks and supplies: $1,000*
- Laptop and printer: $2,000*
- ACEMAPP student fee: $50
- CORE student fee: paid by OU MPAS
- Medical diagnostic instruments and lab coats - didactic year: $1,000*
- BLS/ACLS: paid by OU MPAS
- Preceptor fee: $500 - paid by OU
- Packrat (didactic), EOR, EOC exams: paid by OU
- Patient models (male/female GU) - didactic year: paid by OU
- PANCE Prep Board review course: paid by OU
- PA professional student memberships (one-time fee for the duration of program enrollment)
- AAPA: $75
- MAPA: $40
- Student lab coat patch and ID badge: paid by OU
Total Additional Cost Estimate: $4,375.00 + room, board, travel expenses.
*cost estimated as of March 2024
Additional Links
American Academy of Physician Assistants (AAPA)
Physician Assistant Education Association (PAEA)
Michigan Academy of Physician Assistants (MAPA)
Program Overview for Potential Preceptors
First and foremost, thank you for your interest in support for the PA program at Oakland University. We are in the process of program development, pending accreditation. Without community involvement and leadership, clinical education would not be possible. Our goal with the clinical year is to provide our PA students with exceptional clinical experiences with a diverse pool of clinical preceptors. Ultimately, we seek individuals who are committed to preparing our students for clinical practice. This is not only done through fulfillment of program requirements, but also through the individual expertise and wisdom taught by our outstanding clinical preceptors.
- 27 months in length. The first 15 months consist of didactic education in the classroom setting, followed by 12 months of clinical year.
- 100 credit program.
- Program to be housed at Oakland University-West Center (OWC) located at 1500 University Dr, Auburn Hills, MI 48326.
- Clinical year consists of rotations in 7 core disciplines (Internal medicine, family medicine, pediatrics, emergency medicine, general surgery, Women’s health, and behavioral medicine) in addition to 2 elective specialties. Elective specialties in areas such as cardiology, pulmonology, gastroenterology, etc.
- Each rotation is 4 weeks in duration.
- At the time of student rotation, Preceptors will be provided with rotation objectives in addition to a Preceptor Handbook to guide the education of our students in fulfillment of our program requirements.
- Preceptors will supervise, teach and observe the PA student while providing feedback during the course of the clinical rotation.
- Preceptors will be asked to complete a student evaluation upon completion of the rotation, to ensure the student has met program learning outcomes and successfully passed the rotation.
- Objectives/ evaluations may be rotation specific and will always be provided by our program to the Preceptor prior to receiving student.
- PA students are expected to perform detailed history and physical examinations, formulate differential diagnoses, and develop accurate assessments and plans within the scope of practice and through communication with their Preceptor.
- PA students assist/ perform/ interpret diagnostic laboratory studies and procedures, as assigned/supervised by their Preceptor.
- PA students are expected to document patient encounters with accuracy and responsibility, as reviewed by Preceptor.
- PA students educate and counsel patients on various healthcare issues.
- PA students are expected to follow the working schedule of their Preceptor for the assigned month, as determined on the first day of rotation. (40 hours/week is minimal requirement)
- Great opportunity for personal/professional growth.
- Earn CME credit.
- Personal satisfaction of “giving back” to medical education, shaping lives of future providers.
- Preceptors often state that students help them keep current in their respective fields with latest trends/innovation.
- Compensation for your time and support of the program is available.
- As a developing program we need to show supporting documentation of clinicians willing to Precept, this is done through a “Letter of Intent”. We provide this form which simply documents how many students a Preceptor is willing to take in a Clinical year and in what discipline. The “Letter of Intent” is NOT a binding contract but rather a show of support for our students. This document may change based on availability of the signing preceptor. It gives the program an idea for student placement.
- Once we have a “Letter of Intent”, there must be an Affiliation Agreement executed between the university and the sponsoring institution associated with the preceptor. This agreement specifies responsibility between the university and sponsoring institution (clinical site), in addition ensures that each PA student is fully covered for liability insurance by the PA program/university.
- Prior to the start of student rotation Preceptors will be provided with an orientation of both preceptor and student expectations.
- Please reach out to the Clinical Coordinator (details below) for further information.
For more information about Preceptorship, please contact:
Christopher Davis, MPAS, PA-C
Assistant Professor and Clinical Coordinator
School of Health Sciences, Oakland University
Master of Physician Assistant Science Program
Office: Oakland University - West Center
Phone: 248-364-8652 (office) | 586-675-3787 (cell)
Email: [email protected]
Please direct all admissions questions to [email protected].
Constance Burke, J.D., M.S., PA-C
Program Director and Associate Professor
Physician Assistant Science
[email protected]
Daniel Burns
Office Assistant
[email protected]
(248) 364-8679
School of Health Sciences
3070 Human Health Building
433 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester, MI 48309-4452
(location map)
(248) 370-2369
[email protected]
Dean's Office
Human Health Building
(248) 370-3562
[email protected]