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A person working outside with heavy industrial equipment

Industrial Hygiene Graduate Certificate

Play a crucial role in reducing illness and injury in the workplace. With the Graduate Certificate in Industrial Hygiene, gain the valuable expertise necessary to anticipate, identify, evaluate and manage occupational health hazards. Whether you are a recent graduate, a current master’s student or a working professional with extensive experience, pursue this fully-online certificate to help you advance your career and achieve your goals.


With courses taught by industry and national leaders, the Industrial Hygiene graduate certificate curriculum encompasses various aspects of occupational hygiene, toxicology, controls and environmental health science. All courses are offered fully online. For detailed curricular requirements, visit the graduate catalog.

  • Earned a bachelor’s degree from a regionally-accredited academic institution
  • Meet the admission requirements for the School of Graduate Studies at Oakland University

There are no undergraduate prerequisite course requirements.

Darryl C. Hill, Ph.D., MBA, CSP
Director and Lecturer
Environmental Health and Safety

Dean's Office
3110 Human Health Building
(248) 370-3562